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STUDY HABITS BY: Arjan Sindhu.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY HABITS BY: Arjan Sindhu."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY HABITS BY: Arjan Sindhu

2 Managing Time -Make a schedule for yourself.
-Make time to eat, sleep, and shower. Self care is very important for your health and to study -Studies show that getting 8 hours of sleep helps you get better grades. -Have some time to do activities that you like. -Manage your time to be the most beneficial


4 Effective studying -Take Good Notes. Put your phone away.
Have no distractions while studying. Reading the material before class. Reviewing notes after class.


6 How to take Notes Be a proactive listener
Write down important information when the instructor is speaking. -Make your notes in outline form so you know what main topic the notes are going in. -Highlight your notes after you take them to highlight the key information.


8 Sleeping -sleeping 7+ hours a night can significantly improve your memory retention. -sleeping at a regular pattern every night can help maintain your circadian rhythm while also helps memory retention. -sleeping can sometimes be a better thing to do than cramming the night before an exam.


10 Procrastination -do not procrastinate!!!! -start everything when you get it instead of putting it to the side. -set a schedule up where you know when your assignments are due. -set time to study and set time to do the things you enjoy so you won’t be procrastinating.

11 Eat Eat good food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
-try to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs everyday. -it is important to eat a large breakfast in the morning as it provides your body the energy it needs to study.


13 Everything -all these habits for studying will improve your scores and help you do better with less stress. Practice these techniques and make them habits. Don’t stress yourself out too much and if you do… TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT!!!

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