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Dr. Sergey Kudelya Project manager

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1 Dr. Sergey Kudelya Project manager
Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem Russian Federation and Mongolia Baikal Project 2012 results Dr. Sergey Kudelya Project manager Second Steering Committee Meeting, 26 April 2013 Ulaanbaatar

2 The project’s objective
to spearhead Integrated Natural Resource Management of Baikal Lake Basin and Hovsgol Lake ensuring ecosystem resilience, reduced water quality threats in the context of sustainable economic development.

3 Executives and donors Financed by : Global Environmental Facility (GEF). Co-Financed by : Governments of Russian Federation and Mongolia. Supported by: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Executed by : Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). Responsible partners: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Russian Federation) and the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism (Mongolia).

4 2012 Summary 17 activities have been implemented. 13 individual contracts with Russian and Mongolian experts and 3 contracts with international experts have been concluded The project took part in 29 events. Moreover 50 media sources have published information about project activities. The Project web-site works in Russian, Mongolian and English. Approved first year budget of the Project was realized by 95 %.

5 Outcome 1 – 2012 results BUDGET: $404 156.20 EXPENDITURE: $486 312.97
Detailed Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Study on the Selenga Delta water quality issues Study on the Selenga Delta habitat and the health of the benthic zone Groundwater resources assessment as a contribution to the TDA (UNESCO) Pollution hotspot assessment Climate change assessment Biodiversity conservation standards – started in 2012 Sub-basin watershed management plans– started in 2012

6 Outcome 2 – 2012 results BUDGET: $246 618.86 EXPENDITURE: $242 852.27
Support of the Plenipotentiaries meeting Support of the working group within implementation of the bilateral agreement 1995 “Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters" (PUTW) between Russia and Mongolia Development of the concept paper and the road map for the process of developing and enhancing the legal and institutional framework of bilateral transboundary water cooperation Organizing of GEF IW:LEARN learning exchange Developing of the database for modeling and simulation of pollutants transport in the Baikal basin waters Creation of the harmonized water quality monitoring program for the Selenga Basin

7 Outcome 3 – 2012 results Baikal Information Center (BIC)
BUDGET: $ EXPENDITURE: $ Baikal Information Center (BIC) BIC web portal ( Self-assessment Ecological Education Enhancement Plan Strategy for (dead) livestock disposal Trainings for enchantment competency of administrative staff Tourism plan for Baikal Biosphere Reserve Recreational tourism plan for Zabaikalsky National Park Communication and public awareness plan for Mongolia and Russia Shoreline clean-up of the Baikal Lake and river Selenga Shoreline clean-up of Hovsgol Lake and setup of a water sanitation zone in Khatgal village

8 Total 2012 expenditure Project Outcomes Total budget (USD)
Budget balance Outcome 1: Strategic policy and planning framework $ $ $ $ Outcome 2: Institutional Strengthening for IWRM. $ $ $ $ Outcome 3: Demonstrating methods and approaches for water quality and biodiversity mainstreaming. $ $ $ $ Project Management $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ $ $ $

9 Thank you for your attention

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