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Workflows in archaeology & heritage sciences

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1 Workflows in archaeology & heritage sciences
Fieldwork: can be planned (based on research questions) or unplanned (caused by an emergency). Collects sample for lab work. Produces data (texts, 2D/3D, numeric measure), temporarily stored on portable devices, to be further processed and then stored in a stable location – and also used for determining next steps in fieldwork. Experiment, i.e. analysis made using chemistry/physics/biology: setup depends on instrument specifications and purpose, and on researcher’s design to obtain answers to specific research questions. Overall current workflow. Information is gathered on field, analyzed using the researcher knowledge, previous research and studying the finds in the laboratory. The latter may be simple inspection/comparison/assembly or may imply making experiments. Workflow in a digital environment. Most of the above activities are computer-aided. Collaborative workflow in a digital environment. Results are shared via digital collaboration tools.

Planned Unplanned RESEARCH QUESTION EMERGENCY e.g. casual discovery, damages, collapse FIELDWORK ACTIVITIES On-field analysis Production of temporary data Temporary storage Sample collection for lab work Text documentation Images, video, 3D ‘Scientific’ data Data cleaning & post-processing Permanentstorage STANDARDS APPLY

3 Bibliography Reference collections
LAB WORK - Experiment workflow Samples, standards Manufacturer instructions Experiment setup Experiment design Instruments specs EXPERIMENT SOP Protocols Analysis Results RESEARCH QUESTION Annotations Data Bibliography Reference collections Reports

4 Reference Collections
OVERALL (CURRENT) WORKFLOW Field Observation Analysis Bibliography, Reference Collections Outcome Visualization, Analysis Researcher Interpretation, Annotations Domain Expertise Reports Laboratory

5 Researcher OVERALL (FUTURE) WORKFLOW Field Analysis Observation
Digital Libraries, Reference Collections (Digital) Outcome Integrated Digital Repository Visualization Researcher Interpretation Reports, Annotations Domain Expertise Digital documentation (records, 2D, 3D) Laboratory

6 Researcher A Researcher B OVERALL (COLLABORATIVE) WORKFLOW Domain
Samples Analysis Digital outcome Visualization Interpretation Reports, Annotations Field Observation Domain Expertise Laboratory experiment Laboratory Integrated Digital Repository Digital documentation Researcher A Analysis Digital outcome Visualization Interpretation Reports, Annotations Digital Libraries, Reference Collections Researcher B Laboratory Laboratory experiment Domain Expertise Samples Field Observation

7 Workflows in cultural heritage management
Objectives: Management and planning. Research data provision. Communication and dissemination. Data are produced according to administrative criteria. They may be re-used for research, need filtering and mapping to research needs. They may also be used for communication, need filtering and re-authoring. Research data may be extracted and duplicated (issue: maintenance) or produced on-the-fly (issue: performance). The diagram shows the case of duplication. Communication data are usually extracted, re-authored and stored apart.

Planned Forms with Text documentation Images, video, 3D ‘Scientific’ data ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS DATA COLLECTION Permanentstorage ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES FILTER, MAPPING Research Data FILTER, PROCESSING Data for Presentation & Communication ADAPTATION

9 Main services used Data access: authentication, authorization, access
Data curation: ingestion, storage, management, preservation Quality assessment of data & metadata Annotation Resource discovery (Resource Registry) Faceted searches, semantics etc. Facets: where, when, who, what

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