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BUILD AND LEAD TEAMS THROUGH STYLE-SAVVY: Unlock Your People Gene Facilitated by Sterling Van De Moortel Professional Certified Coach Sterling Results,

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Presentation on theme: "BUILD AND LEAD TEAMS THROUGH STYLE-SAVVY: Unlock Your People Gene Facilitated by Sterling Van De Moortel Professional Certified Coach Sterling Results,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILD AND LEAD TEAMS THROUGH STYLE-SAVVY: Unlock Your People Gene Facilitated by Sterling Van De Moortel Professional Certified Coach Sterling Results, LLC PMI HR SIG Webinar, 2/9/05

2 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Agenda / Preview
Ground Rules Effective Communication (A Model): Critical Components The Enneagram: Key to the 9 “Human Operating Systems” Exploration of Individual Styles / HOS’s Relating Across Styles / HOS’s (Style Meshing) The Style-Savvy Team Closure - Top take-aways - Follow-up Commitments

3 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Requests & Ground Rules
We check our resistance at the door. (This is a resistance-free zone for exploration and discovery.) We each set an individual stretch goal.


5 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS THE ENNEAGRAM: Your Key to the Human Operating Systems [Copyright, 2001, The Enneagram Institute All Rights Reserved]

6 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS The Nine Human Operating Systems
Personality types Lenses on the world / Ways of working, being, seeing Psycho-spiritual systems Default coping strategies / habit systems / energy patterns Born full-spectrum human beings … and remain so Narrow in on one HOS based on interaction of nature and nurture Enneagram Styles / HOS’s = Solutions to survival issues Not who we are, but how we think we need to be / operate to be ok Development Path: Learn to re-access our full spectrum Awareness  Predictability & Choice re: Self & others REMINDER: This is NOT about labeling / pigeon-holing SELF-awareness and choice are the keys.

7 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS THE ENNEAGRAM: The Nine Human Operating Systems [Copyright, 2001, The Enneagram Institute All Rights Reserved]

8 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS The Enneagram: Some Basics [Copyright, 2001, The Enneagram Institute All Rights Reserved]

9 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Exploring Your Style
• Based on today’s and recommended materials and your own self-knowledge: Identify & embrace the defining characteristics of your HOS. Clarify what motivates and demotivates you. Acknowledge your communication, work & leadership styles. Acknowledge & build on strengths your type brings to team. Develop strategies to mitigate the downsides of your HOS. •  Ability to understand your HOS (your conditioning) and consciously adjust your behavior accordingly

10 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Relating Across Styles
Based on today’s and recommended materials and your own observations: Study the other eight HOS’s. (Learn what makes THEM tick.) (Identify ways to adjust your style to theirs.) Discuss your HOS with others and negotiate new behaviors.  Ability to interact functionally and with greater ease to achieve desired outcomes.

11 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon Team Profile [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell]

12 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Create a synergistic team by aligning roles & responsibilities with individual style focuses. TEAM FOCUS FIT FOR TYPE/S WHO? Group Relations / Commitment Correct Task Order / QC Power ~ Authority / Action Critical Thinking & Structuring Human Needs / Cust. Service Satisfaction / Innovation Agreement / Routine Services Indiv. Uniqueness / Product Image Outcomes / Competition

13 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Create a synergistic team by aligning roles & responsibilities with individual style focuses. TEAM FOCUS FIT FOR TYPE/S WHO? Group Relations / Teamwork SIX Correct Task Order / QC ONE Power ~ Authority / Action EIGHT Critical Thinking & Structuring FIVE Human Needs / Cust. Service TWO Satisfaction / Innovation SEVEN Agreement / Routine Services NINE Indiv. Uniqueness / Product Image FOUR Outcomes / Competition THREE

14 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Creative Team Problem Solving Model [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell]

15 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Optimize team problem solving by engaging individual strengths / focuses. PS STAGE ATTUNED HOSs WHO? FACTS POSSIBILITIES MEANINGS METHODS PEOPLE RESULTS

16 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Optimize team problem solving by engaging individual strengths / focuses. PS STAGE ATTUNED HOSs WHO? FACTS ONE, SIX, NINE POSSIBILITIES FOUR, SEVEN MEANINGS FIVE METHODS ONE, FIVE PEOPLE TWO, FOUR, NINE RESULTS THREE, EIGHT

17 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Empower the team through participative leadership. Each type contributes to the leadership pool in its own way. TYPE NATURAL LEADER ROLE WHO? ONE Reformer  TWO Helper  THREE Achiever  FOUR Individualist  FIVE Investigator  SIX Loyalist  SEVEN Enthusiast  EIGHT Challenger  NINE Peacemaker 

18 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Harness the HOS’s to the Team Wagon [From The Enneagram Personality Portraits: Enhancing Team Performance, Aspell & Aspell] Empower the team through participative leadership. Each type contributes to the leadership pool in its own way. TYPE NATURAL LEADER ROLE WHO? ONE Reformer  STABILIZER TWO Helper  SUPPORTER THREE Achiever  MOTIVATOR FOUR Individualist INDIVIDUALIST FIVE Investigator  SYSTEMATIZER SIX Loyalist  TEAMSTER SEVEN Enthusiast  CHEERLEADER EIGHT Challenger  DIRECTOR NINE Peacemaker RECONCILER

19 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Profile of a Style-Savvy Team
Based on assessments, today’s and recommended materials, and discussions with team members re: the team’s style profile: Identify which styles are present, over- / under-represented, absent. Identify the upsides and downsides of each person’s style. Develop a resource / role allocation plan to optimize team functioning. - Based on strengths, what roles and responsibilities would each assume? - How would you mitigate the potential impacts of the downsides of the styles represented? - How would you compensate for the styles not represented in resource pool? ID major issues to resolve to optimize team functioning  Ability to optimize allocation of team resources to achieve desired results.

20 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Resource / Role Allocation Plan

21 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Wrapping It Up
What are your top take-aways? What are your follow-up commitments? To build on today’s experience, I’ll … (1) (2) (3) Evaluation

22 BUILD & LEAD TEAMS Next Steps
Coaching Requests Continue to study your own and other styles / HOSs (See website for recommended resources.) Communicate and report on your follow-up commitments by . Contact information:

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