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Presentation on theme: "COUNTERBALANCING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today – Thu 2/19 Lecture on Counterbalancing
Methods checkup / Draw out your predictions Who is submitting Methods? Next class: Ethics approval, finalize materials

3 COUNTERBALANCING Applies to the within subjects variable
Different forms of counterbalancing will be used depending on how you are manipulating the within-subjects variable Some groups may have to use more than one!

4 Three types of counterbalancing
Condition Order Materials Order Item Selection Cognitive Psychology

5 1. Condition Order: What’s the problem?
Music No Music

6 Condition order: Solution (p.266-272)
Different participants undergo conditions in different order Conditions are balanced with respect to time Half of the participants get condition 1 then condition 2 Other half of the participants get condition 2 then condition 1 Music No Music 30 participants No Music Music 30 participants

7 2. Materials Order: What’s the problem?
Reading Flashcards 30 participants Story A Story B Flashcards Reading 30 participants Story B Story A

8 Materials Order: What’s the problem?
Reading Flashcards 30 participants Story A Story B Flashcards Reading 30 participants Story A Story B

9 Materials Order: Solution
Reading Flashcards 15 participants Story A Story B If you have two sets of materials: You have to make sure that the materials are rotated so that: the same materials are not always paired with the same condition the same materials are not always paired with the same time Flashcards Reading 15 participants Story A Story B 15 participants Reading Flashcards Story B Story A 15 participants Flashcards Reading Story B Story A

10 Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern
3. Item Selection Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern Participants study half the items At test, all items appear Participants have to say which were studied Within-subjects IV: some items on the test are “old”, some items are “new” These are dances, from most to least common Cognitive Psychology

11 Item Types What’s the problem?
Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern OLD NEW Cognitive Psychology

12 Item Types What’s the problem?
30 participants 30 participants Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern OLD NEW NEW OLD Cognitive Psychology

13 Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern
Item Types: Solution 30 participants 30 participants Ballet Tango Salsa Hip hop Jazz Waltz Tap Swing Ballroom Modern Cognitive Psychology


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