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How much do you know about ...

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Presentation on theme: "How much do you know about ..."— Presentation transcript:

1 How much do you know about ...

2 The 1st generation What was the name of the first computer ever built ? a. Compu47 ? b. ENIAC ? c. UNIVAC ? ENIAC

3 The 1st generation What does the acronym ENIAC stand for ?
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer b. Engineering Numerical Intelligent Artificial Concept c. Elementary National Institute of Automatic Creations Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

4 The 1st generation When was ENIAC built ? a. in 1944 b. in 1946
c. in 1948 1946

5 The 2nd generation Vacuum tubes were replaced by ...? a. chips
b. transistors c. cathode-ray tubes Transistors

6 The 2nd generation Which computers made their mark in the computer world ? a. Apple b. IBM c. Alcatel IBM

7 The 3rd generation This generation of computers were brought to us thanks to ... ? a. intergrated circuits b. CPU c. memory sticks Intergrated circuits

8 The 4th generation The new generation of computers, known as nanocomputers will be hardly bigger than … ? a. 20 nanometers b. 15 nanometers c. 10 nanometers 10 nanometers

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