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Chapter 20 Section 1.

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1 Chapter 20 Section 1

2 What are the problems Africa faces today?
Focus Question What are the problems Africa faces today?

3 Ethnic and Religious Conflicts
Ethnic and Religious conflicts have usually more than one cause Religion, ethnicity, language, land, culture, etc. Sri Lanka Conflict occurs when members of one ethnic or religious group feels slighted Hindus vs. Buddhist Discriminated against one another Civil war lasted until 2002

4 Conflicts Avoiding War in Canada Northern Ireland English vs. French
educated Civilized Can be different and live together Northern Ireland Catholics vs. Protestants civil war Good Friday agreement

5 War Ravages Yugoslavia
Made up of 6 Republics Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hertzovenia, Montenegro, and Macedonia 1991 the region falls and communism ends Yugoslavia breaks up into 6 countries From countries break apart Today they are six independent states who do not get along with one another.

6 Bosnian War Bosnian War Kosovo War between Bosnia and minorities
Ethnic cleansing Killing other groups to make your own the dominant group Thousands of people were killed during the war Kosovo 90% Albanian Government Leaders opposed the Albanians Starts a civil war UN took control in 1999

7 Section 2

8 What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR?
Focus Question What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR?

9 Rwandan Genocide Rwanda had a Population of 8 million
Hutus (majority) vs. Tutsis (minority) 1994 civil war breaks out 800,000- 1million people are slaughtered Worst genocide in Rwanda's history All based on skin color and racial superiority

10 South Africa Struggles for Freedom
South Africa achieved self rule from Britain in 1910 White population made up less than 20% Whites led the country 1948 Apartheid created Separating of Races People were registered by race Black White Colored Asian other Lived in racial neighborhoods Blacks could only own land in certain regions

11 Fighting for majority Rule
African National Congress (ANC) Murder was only if a white man dies Rape was only in a white woman was raped Anything that happened to blacks was considered an “accident” Nelson Mandela emerged in the 1960’s to fight against apartheid Led the ANC Arrested and Jailed for 27 years Released in 1990 Desmond Tutu Archbishop of South Africa Wanted Apartheid ended Won a Nobel peace prize

12 Sudan Sudans Arab Muslims in the north dominated the rest of the nation non Arabs The government was led by Arabs Made laws that discriminated against non Muslims Tried to impose Islamic laws Rebel groups in the south resisted War, drought, and famine caused millions to die Millions fearing for their lives fled the Sudan into Chad and other neighboring nations

13 Troubles in the Sudan 2004 peace agreement
South agreed to stop fighting North agreed to stop pushing Islam practices Darfur Conflict began in 2004 The Arabs unleashed terror on the south Janjaweed Burning villages Killing women and children Took boys as soldiers Over 1 million people have been killed Conflict that is still going on today

14 Section 3

15 What was the Bosnian War about?
Focus Question What was the Bosnian War about?

16 Iraq’s History During the Cold War Iraq was allies with the United States until 1958 Overthrow of their government brought them closer to the USSR Iran disliked the United States; which made the U.S want to keep good relations with Iraq 1979 Saddam Hussein seized power in Iraq and ruled as a dictator Iran and Iraq fought a civil war that lasted almost 10 years ( ) Released Chemicals on the Kurds within Iraq who were sympathetic to Iran Killed thousands of his own people

17 Persian Gulf War 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait
Wanted to control the oil fields U.S. saw this as a threat to our livelihood The U.S. aligned themselves with the UN Drove Iraq out of Kuwait Made relations with the U.S. and Saddam Hussein strained He used fear, torture, and executions to remain in power

18 Iraq War The UN tried to impose sanctions from allowing Saddam to build WMD’s Imposed NO fly zones 2002 Iraq war began Charged Saddam Hussain with terroristic activities against the United States 2003 the U.S. takes control of Iraq Insurgents keep the war going on longer than expected

19 What was operation Iraqi Freedom?
Focus Question What was operation Iraqi Freedom?

20 what were the two groups fighting in Rwanda called?
What was the impact of the Bosnian War? What was the U.S. relationship with Iraq like until the late 1980’s (give two examples)? What was Apartheid? What was the overall impact of the Rwandan Genocide? Why did Rwanda go through a Genocide? What was the U.S. reaction to the Bosnian and Rwandan Genocide? What was the Persian gulf war?

21 Why did we help put Saddam Hussain in power?
Focus Question Why did we help put Saddam Hussain in power?

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