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Intelligent Systems Technical Committee

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1 Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
January 10, 2017 AIAA SciTech Forum 2017 Grapevine, TX

2 ISTC SciTech 2017 Meeting Agenda
Opening welcome by chair and a round of introductions – 10 min Presentation of Distinguished Service Award – 10 min SciTech 2017 Intelligent Systems Panels – 10 min ISTC & ISG updates – 20 min update – 10 min Subcommittee reports (10 min each – 1 hr 40 min total) Awards Conference Planning PDE&O Procedures Public Policy Publications Roadmap Workshop Website Membership TC Chair Election – 15 min Adjourn and social at sport bar (chair invites all)

3 Members Sam Adhikari Sysoft Corporation Florian Adolf
German Aerospace Center DLR Nisar Ahmed University of Colorado Boulder Danette Allen NASA Langley Ella Atkins University of Michigan Mark Balas Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL Christine Belcastro David Casbeer AFRL Kelly Cohen University of Cincinnati Steve Cook MITRE Corp Mary Cummings Duke Richard Doyle NASA JPL Nick Ernest Psibernetix Inc Fernando Figueroa NASA Stennis Yu Gu West Virginia University Joshua Harris Texas A&M Michel Ingham NASA JPL Elad Kivelevitch University of Cincinnati Kevin Kochersberger Virginia Tech Stephan Kolitz Draper Lab Chetan Kulkarni NASA Ames / SGT Andrew Lacher MITRE Quang Lam Leidos Amanda Lampton Systems Technology Inc Thomas Lombaerts Catharine McGhan University of Michigan Andrew Meade Rice University Kevin Melcher NASA Glenn Miguel Morales HCL Technologies Jonathan Muse AFRL Natasha Neogi NASA Langley Nhan Nguyen NASA Ames Akira Oyama JAXA Eric Rozier University of Cincinnati Kristin Rozier John Ryan NASA Armstrong Chelsea Sabo University of Sheffield  Robert Savely NASA Johnson Daniel Selva Cornell University Julie Shah MIT Ashok Srivastava Verizon Sean Swei NASA Ames James Steck Wichita State U. Christopher Tschan Aerospace Corp John Valasek Texas A&M Yan Wan University of Texas, Arlington Adnan Yucel Lockheed Martin Tansel Yucelen University of South Florida Paul Zetocha AFRL

4 ISTC Distinguished Service Award
The ISTC Distinguished Service Award is created to recognize a member who has made significant contributions to the activities of the ISTC to keep the TC healthy and active. The award was established since 2009 and has been awarded to five members The winner of the ISTC Distinguished Service Award in 2017 is Dr. Christopher Tschan Citation: For leadership in development of “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace” Nomination: Dr. Chris Tschan has been serving the AIAA ISTC in a sustained and exceptional manner for the past 6 years. During this period, Dr. Tschan served the four-year term as TC chair-elect, chair, and honorary chair from 2010 to During the past two years, he serves as the chair of the public policy and roadmap subcommittees. Since 2013, he has advocated for the development of a roadmap that articulates a vision for intelligent systems and provides a set of recommendations for increased research to overcome technology barriers. As a direct outcome of the roadmap process that Dr. Tschan is leading, the ISTC has built a research community engagement through three Intelligent Systems Workshops successfully held during the past three years. Through his tireless dedication and hard work, Dr. Tschan has brought together many leading researchers in the research community to contribute to the development of the roadmap. His leadership as the lead editor has culminated in the completion and recent public release  on June 6, 2016 of the first edition of the 101-page document entitled “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace”. The ISTC is well -served with this roadmap document which will increase awareness of the role of intelligent systems in technology development for aerospace systems. It is hereby with great pleasure that Dr. Chris Tschan is nominated for the ISTC Distinguished Service Award for his sustained contributions and exceptional leadership in achieving the completion and public release of the Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace.

5 ISTC Update 2016 has been a busy year for the ISTC
3rd Intelligent Systems Workshop at NASA LaRC in August – 165 registered, 110 attended Acknowledgment: John Valasek, Chris Belcastro, and Danette Allen as well as many other TC members for their contributions Public release of 1st edition of roadmap on June 6, 2016 – First success story: NASA has referred to the roadmap for planning of new Autonomous Systems project Acknowledgment: Chris Tschan, Adnan Yucel, and Nhan Nguyen Honor and Awards – IS Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Competition Award, ISTC Distinguished Service Award Acknowledgment: Chelsea Sabo, Kevin Melcher, and Tansel Yucelen – 128 papers; 31 from ISTC and 57 from USPC, and 3 panels Acknowledgment: Kevin Melcher, Amanda Lampton, and James Steck

6 ISTC Update Information Space Forum 2016 – Organized 7 sessions, 30 papers Acknowledgment: Sean Swei and Mitch Ingham Information Aviation Forum 2016 – Organized one session Acknowledgment: Danette Allen Public Policy - Initial revised draft of position paper ready for TC feedback Acknowledgment: Yu Gu, Yan Wan, Chris Tschan, and Andrew Lacher Publication – 2nd edition of Advances in Intelligent and Autonomous Aerospace Systems and Aerospace America Intelligent Systems Year-in-Review Acknowledgment: John Valasek and Elad Kivelevitch K-12 education outreach – Judging and Selection of Synopsis Challenge science fair winner in San Jose, CA Acknowledgment: Jose Benevides, Chetan Kulkarni, Nhan Nguyen, and Kristin Rozier

7 ISTC Update TAC funding and fund raising from Intelligent Systems Workshop help sustain ISTC activities Best student paper competition – $408 in 2016 and $392 in 2017 Synopsis Challenge science fair competition – $250 in 2016 and $500 in 2017 Recognition and loyalty items – $448 in 2016 ISTC continues to enjoy strong membership interest 50 members (50 max.) 11 new membership applications received, 6 accepted 2017 Intelligent Systems Workshop at University Of Michigan in August Chair: Ella Atkins Co-Chairs: Dani Selva and Andrew Lacher National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reached out to the ISTC asking for candidates to serve on Committee on Aviation Safety Assurance being formed at the request of NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Four members nominated: Ella Atkins, John Valasek, Steve Cook, and Andrew Lacher One member to participate in public hearing: Florian Adolf

8 ISTC Update New Associate Fellows – Kevin Melcher and James Steck
Please let TC know if interested in associate fellow upgrade Fellow nomination – John Valasek Keynote and plenary speakers at SciTech 2017 Women at SciTech Social Hour and Keynote – Missy Cummings Plenary: Disruptive Technology Developments – Danette Allen ISTC chair participated in AIAA nomination committee at Space Forum in September 2016 Voted for candidates for AIAA president and roster of directors

9 ISG Update ISG selected ISTC for TC-of-the-Quarter article “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace” in the TAC newsletter Information Systems Forum Idea first brought up at SciTech 2016 ISG meeting First meeting at Aviation Forum in June 2016 – not well-attended At SciTech 2017 ISG meeting, Tom Irvine came by and share his thought on Information Systems Forum AIAA recognizes the information systems are important to aerospace industry Needs to have a strategy to bring in information systems community and GNC are seeing decline in paper submission SciTech is seen as Aerospace Sciences Meeting not getting enough visibility Loss of identity and community spirit IS Forum could include conferences like GNC, ATIO, ATM, etc.. Plan to have another meeting with ISG and TCs in the near future Earliest start is at least two years away ISTC is supportive of this initiative

10 ISG Update Tom Duerr presented Resources Working Group (RWG)
Review current funding practices for Member-Driven Activities Provide Board of Trustees recommendations for future process Emerging Technologies Committee – each TC is supposed to have a liaison ISG is looking for fellow nominations by TC Jim Rankin plans to move over as director on Board of Trustees – Terry Morris may replace him as interim ISG director

11 Subcommittees Awards subcommittee – Chairs: Chelsea Sabo, Kevin Melcher Members: Mark Balas, Mitch Ingham, Stephan Kolitz, Amanda Lampton, Miguel Morales, Nhan Nguyen, Robert Savely, James Steck, Tansel Yucelen Conference Planning subcommittee – Chair: Kevin Melcher, Amanda Lampton Members: Sam Adhikari, Florian Adolf, Nisar Ahmed, Ella Atkins, Mark Balas, Fernando Figueroa, Elad Kivelevitch, Kevin Kochersberger, Amanda Lampton, Thomas Lombaerts, Natasha Neogi, Julie Shah, Yan Wan, Adnan Yucel, Tansel Yucelen, Paul Zetocha Membership subcommittee – Chairs: Nhan Nguyen, David Casbeer Members: Sean Swei, Chris Tschan PDE&O subcommittee – Chair: Kristin Rozier, Chetan Kulkarni Members: Ella Atkins, Missy Cummings, Rich Doyle, Stephan Kolitz, Chetan Kulkarni, Amanda Lampton, Catharine McGhan, Andrew Mead, Eric Rozier, James Steck Procedures subcommittee – Chairs: John Ryan, Mitch Ingham Members: Sam Adhikari, David Casbeer, Mitch Ingham, Elad Kivelevitch, Quang Lam, Kevin Melcher, Miguel Morales, Chelsea Sabo, Ashok Srivastava, Adnan Yucel

12 Subcommittees Public Policy subcommittee – Chairs: Chris Tschan, Andrew Lacher Members: Christine Belcastro, Steve Cook, Missy Cummings, Elad Kivelevitch, Kevin Kochersberger, Quang Lam, Kevin Melcher, Eric Rozier, Paul Zetocha Publications subcommittee – Chair: Natasha Neogi Members: Florian Adolf, Nisar Ahmed, Ella Atkins, Kelly Cohen, Rich Doyle, Elad Kivelevitch, Thomas Lombaerts, Akira Oyama, John Valasek Roadmap Subcommittee – Chairs: Yu Gu, Yan Wan Members: Missy Cummings, Quang Lam, Nhan Nguyen, Dani Selva, Chris Tschan, Adnan Yucel Website subcommittee – Chair: Catharine McGhan Members: Nick Ernest, Joshua Harris, Dani Selva Workshop subcommittee – Chairs: Ella Atkins, Andrew Lacher Members: Florian Adolf, Danette Allen, David Casbeer, Chris Belcastro, Nhan Nguyen, Dani Selva, John Valasek

13 TC Chair Election Current chair term expires on April 30, 2017
David Casbeer will be the incoming TC chair starting on May 1, 2017 ISTC to elect new TC chair who will lead the TC into the future and serve as an affective advocate for intelligent systems in the AIAA community as well as a liaison with other communities by developing goals and vision. One year as vice-chair starting in May 2018 Two years as chair in May 2019 One year as honorary chair in May 2011

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