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Open AvgLoop. It should provide SOME guidance for today’s assignment, but don’t just copy-paste….THINK.

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Presentation on theme: "Open AvgLoop. It should provide SOME guidance for today’s assignment, but don’t just copy-paste….THINK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open AvgLoop. It should provide SOME guidance for today’s assignment, but don’t just copy-paste….THINK.

2 (NameLoops) Have the user enter their full name (together, NOT separately). Error check: It must contain a space, AND it must also be at least 5 characters long, including the space. Display each letter (and the space) on a separate line. Display how many vowels appear in the name, how many consonants, and how many times the letter k appears. For each of these 3 numbers, display whether or not it is even or odd.

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