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People in ACA Marketplaces Who Say They Benefited or Were Negatively Affected By ACA AMONG NON-GROUP ENROLLEES WITH MARKETPLACE PLANS: So far, would you.

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Presentation on theme: "People in ACA Marketplaces Who Say They Benefited or Were Negatively Affected By ACA AMONG NON-GROUP ENROLLEES WITH MARKETPLACE PLANS: So far, would you."— Presentation transcript:

1 People in ACA Marketplaces Who Say They Benefited or Were Negatively Affected By ACA
AMONG NON-GROUP ENROLLEES WITH MARKETPLACE PLANS: So far, would you say you and your family have personally benefited from the health reform law, or not?/ So far, would you say you and your family have been negatively affected by the health reform law, or not? Benefited Negatively affected Republicans Not receiving tax credit High-deductible plans Independents TOTAL MARKETPLACE ENROLLEES Receiving tax credit Lower-deductible plans Democrats NOTE: The share who say they neither benefited nor were negatively affected is not shown. SOURCE: Analysis of Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Non-Group Health Insurance Enrollees, Wave 3 (Feb. 9-Mar. 31, 2016)

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