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The Influence of the U.S. Constitution

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1 The Influence of the U.S. Constitution

2 HURRY!!! Get with your “Big Ben” partner. Sit side-side, desks touching. If your partner is absent go to the podium and get a partner. Pick-up 1 note card and 1 computer and go to the website:

3 Pair-Share: Question Where did countries get their ideas to write constitutions? What ideas are included in many democratic constitutions?

4 Pair-Share: Answer Revolutionaries were inspired by ancient greece & Rome, Judaism & Christianity & Enlightenment Philosophers. The ideas include: natural laws, social contract, natural rights, rule by law, separate branches of government, etc.

5 Objective Students will be able to show how the U.S. Constitution influenced political systems in the contemporary world by analyzing World constitutions.

6 Step 1 Complete the vocabulary map for the word “constitution”.

7 Vocabulary Map Definition Picture Antonyms Synonyms Examples Sentence
Name _________________________ Period ________ Vocabulary Map Essential Question: How did the U.S. Constitution influence political systems in the contemporary world? Definition Picture Antonyms Word: Constitution Synonyms Examples Sentence

8 Step 2 Discussion: What is a Definition for “constitution”?
What are related words? Synonyms? Antonyms? Examples? Sentence?

9 Step 3 Get with your Partner and Choose any Democratic country in the world besides the U.S.

10 Step 4 On the Front side of card write the name of your country.
On the back side of your card, in the upper right hand corner, place a prediction for the year your country wrote a constitution.

11 Step 5 Using the following website find the date of your country’s constitution & write the date on the front of your card under the name of your country.

12 Dates of World Constitutions
Step 6 Tape your 3x5 card on the timeline Dates of World Constitutions 1900 2013 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1950 2000 United States 1779 Discussion: What are some reflections about what the timeline might convey? Take off your 3x5 card off the timeline when you have completed the discussion.

13 Step 7 Congress Shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (First Amendment, U.S. Constitution) Investigate your country’s constitution and find any phrasing that is similar to the phrasing of the first Amendment. Record your findings on the leaf notes

14 Wrap-Up Discussion Share your claims supported with text from your findings.

15 Wrap-Up statement Write a paragraph that reflects your position on how much influence the u.S. constitution has on political systems in the contemporary world.

16 Vocabulary Map Definition Picture Antonyms Synonyms Examples Sentence
Name _________________________ Period ________ Vocabulary Map Essential Question: How did the U.S. Constitution influence political systems in the contemporary world? Definition Picture Antonyms Word: Constitution Synonyms Examples Sentence

17 Leaf Notes Website:
Directions: Look up your country’s Constitution and write any phrases you find that are similar to the first amendment below. Website: Congress Shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (First Amendment, U.S. Constitution) Paragraph Summary: How did the U.S. Constitution influence political systems in the contemporary world? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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