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Joost N. Kok Universiteit Leiden

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1 Joost N. Kok Universiteit Leiden
Neural Networks Joost N. Kok Universiteit Leiden

2 Neural Networks Book: Introduction to the theory of Neural Computation by Hertz, Krogh, Palmer Website: Additional Material: Powerpoint Sheets, Journal Articles, practical exercises Other recommended books: Haykin, Bishop

3 The Von Neumann architecture

4 The Hungarian-born mathematician, John von Neumann (1903-1957)

5 The biological architecture

6 Biological computers Five distinguishing properties: Highly parallel
Robust and fault tolerant Adaptive Deals with fuzzy, noisy information Small, compact

7 Graceful Degradation performance damage

8 Neurons

9 Brain consists of 100000000000 (1011) neurons

10 Neural activity out in

11 Artificial Neuron

12 Input-output function
f(x) = 1 + e -x/a 1 nonlinear function: a  0 f(e) a   e

13 Artificial Connections (Synapses)
wAB The weight of the connection from neuron A to neuron B A B wAB

14 Supervised Networks

15 Example

16 Real Neurons Nonlinear Summation Sequences of pulses
No fixed time-delay

17 History 1943: McCulloch and Pitts: artificial neuron
1960: Rosenblatt: perceptrons 1969: Minsky and Papert: XOR problem 197?: Associative content-addressable memory 198?: Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Networks 1985: Backpropagation learning rule 2000+ : Spiking networks, Support Vector Machines

18 Hopfield McCulloch Pitts Papert Minsky Boltzmann Hebb


20 Issues Neurocomputing vs. Neuroscience Types of Learning: Supervised
Unsupervised Reinforcement

21 Research Questions Design: what is best architecture?
Learning: find good algorithms Analysis: what is the power of networks? Implementation: how should the network be implemented?

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