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Media 11: Gender Through Media

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1 Media 11: Gender Through Media
EQ How does media help construct our identity? How does media construct gender image and expectations? How does media shape or inform relationships between genders? Week 1 Week 2A/Week 2B Week 3 Guiding Questions: What defines gender? In what media is gender represented and for what purposes? What are the different types of genders that are represented? What are the effects of gender in media on personal identity? What are the intended purposes of gender representation for different audiences and different mediums? What are the effects of gender representation on gender relationships? How can we represent gender equitably and fairly? How can we respond to inequitable gender representations? Understand Language shapes ideas and influences others Texts are socially, culturally, and historically constructed.   Genders are multiple Digital citizenship requries … awareness of its impact on individuals and Society Know: - elements of visual and graphic texts - form, function, and genre of texts - Male/female binary - Sex vs gender - gender types: features and indicators Know Oral Language strategies Multi-model reading strategies Form function and genre - audience purpose, technique Shadowing, airbrushing, focus, contrast Negative outcomes of gender representations Nuclear family Alternative and queer relationships Sexuality vs gender Do: Synthesize from a variety of texts Recognize how language constructs personal, social, and cultural identity Recognize and identify the role of personal, social, cultural, value and perspective in texts Recognize how forms reflect a variety of purposes, audiences, and messages Use digital processes to create meaninful imaginative, and informal texts Transform ideas and info to create original texts

2 Week 1 Week 2A/Week 2B Week 3 Guiding Questions: What defines gender? In what media is gender represented and for what purposes? What are the different types of genders that are represented? What are the intended purposes of gender representation for different audiences and different mediums? What are the effects of gender in media on personal identity? What are the effects of gender representation on gender relationships? How can we represent gender equitably and fairly? How can we respond to gender inequity and make a difference Summative Assessment: Identification of a gender and gender features and analysis of purpose - how/why gender is represented in the medium Formative Collage of gender rep from single medium G/O identify gender features (hair, heals, muscles, breasts, clothing, activities) Summative Identify gender in media/medium. Explain the purpose and audience of the media/medium, the purpose of gender rep for the medium. Critique the representations (positive or negative) OPTIONS: Body map slam poem Slideshow visual essay Video Formative: Create a positive or subversive representation of gender in one of the following media Positive videogame storyboard (or video game) Advertisement redesign with explanation Hiphop song Slam poem Sitcom or movie short Tumbler Activities Group work: Collage. Each group is assigned a gender-specific magazine, and makes a collage of the gendered images. Carousal to identify similarities within collage. Independent work - features of genders G/O Socratic Seminar

3 Texts text that discusses/demonstrates gender construction, and binary, from birth (naming, pink/blue, toys, etc.) such as an article or maybe an online gender bias quiz Text that explains gender as concept (for Secondary) Slideshow of gendered items List of gendered words Slam poetry about gender Article about Facebook’s multiple gender options Magazine ads demonstrating gender performance, including queer    Select youtube ads or blogs Music videos Grand Theft Auto 5 Teen Movie excerpt (Breakfast club?) “You can’t be what you can’t see” (resource “media Analysis”, pg. 25) Gendered quotes Texts A “Mooc and Midrift” from Merchants of Cool Dying to be thin or Killing us softly Recent Popular Teen Movie with “bros” as protagonists “Under the influence” (resource, pg.23) Magazine ads with unrealistic standards WWE wrestling The Big Bang Theory Teen Movie Excerpt The Mask I Wear Texts B Leave it to Beaver “the Wisdom of Ward cleaver” Modern Family - to contrast with “the Wisdom of…” Revolutionary Road A TV show (Friends or How I met Your Mother) that plays with emasculation Feminist Frequency “Women as rewards” youtube Grandtheft Auto 5 analysis – webpage criticism (feminist frequency has one) Dove ads This month’s issue of Glamour “real women” Article about Facebook’s myriad of gender options Article about Facebook’s flipping of its icon to put women first Other subversive texts that actively trouble gender roles Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, contrast with Grey’s Anatomy’s Rosalyn Media Smarts

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