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Arundathi Mahendran Senior Lecturer & Consultant Transplant Surgeon

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Presentation on theme: "Arundathi Mahendran Senior Lecturer & Consultant Transplant Surgeon"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pedagogy of the Medical Event: the challenges of teaching and learning in the ’now’
Arundathi Mahendran Senior Lecturer & Consultant Transplant Surgeon QMUL/Barts & The Royal London Medical School

2 Research Questions How do surgeons make sense of their day to day experiences in and of practice as they happen in real time (i.e. as they happen acutely in time? What are the educational opportunities embedded in the day to day phenomenology of surgical practice? What are the ways in which a trainee constructs meaning in an of routine surgical practice

3 Study Design How do surgeons in practice/training makes sense of their day to day experiences in an of practice, as they happen in real time (as they unfold) Ethnography: field notes from a ten year period of working in clinical env. Policy analysis (Good Medical Practice 2013, Good Surgical Practice 2014, Patient Questionnaires, Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, Assessment forms – Procedure Based Assessment, Surgical Training reviews) Interview analysis: 8 surgeons (4 consultants and 4 trainees)

4 Themes from the research
An exploration of ‘THISNESS’ or ‘HAECCETIES’ of practice Uncertainty of events of practice How does something matter to a learner? How does it attain significance for the practitioner? A critical application of philosophical theory to illuminate the complexities of experience. Novel approach to medical education research.

5 Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
‘apart from the experiences of subjects there is nothing, nothing, bare nothingness.’

6 Theoretical Framework
Alain Badiou: notions of Truth and Event Alfred North Whitehead: Affect based theory of experience Gilles Deleuze: Transcendence/Immanence and Actual-v Virtual Brian Massumi: Affective Intensities and ‘Thinking-Feeling’ Gilbert Simondon: Transduction and Individuation

7 How is surgical training organised?
Move away from the ‘Apprenticeship model’ Competency based surgical training Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Routine formal assessments

8 Research Findings Contingency of practice is a given – work with it!
An Ethics of Immanence Fixed pedagogic identities (Trainees and Trainers) How does something come to matter for the trainee? Real learning involves connecting with the Virtual Potentials

9 Questions? Arundi Mahendran


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