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Sedimentary, Igneous & Metamorphic Rock

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1 Sedimentary, Igneous & Metamorphic Rock

2 Sedimentary Rock What is it made up of? How is it formed (process)?
Sand, clay, silt, organic matter (fossils) How is it formed (process)? Weathering (wind, flowing water, ice, living organisms) create sediment Erosion moves/transports the sediment (water, wind etc.) Deposition – sediment is deposited at the bottom of bodies of water Cementation/lithification – the layers are pressed together (cemented) to form rock

3 Where are sedimentary rocks formed?
At the bottoms of lakes, rivers, oceans, streams… Examples: Sandstone, limestone, shale Sedimentary rocks are used For: Buildings, statues Video:

4 Metamorphic Rock What is it made up of? How is it formed (process)?
Previous sedimentary and igneous rock MAY HAVE fossils Contain layers which look like wavy bands Hardest rock How is it formed (process)? Extreme heat and pressure due to the movement of the Earth’s crust

5 Where are Metamorphic rocks formed? Underground in hot temperatures
Examples: Slate and marble Metamorphic rocks are used for: Countertops, chalkboards, roof shingles, floors Video:

6 Igneous Rock What is it made up of? How is it formed (process)?
Previous sedimentary and metamorphic rock Intrusive igneous rock- cooled magma Extrusive igneous rock-cooled lava How is it formed (process)? When magma and lava cools and hardens Intrusive – cools slowly and forms large crystals Extrusive – cools quickly and forms small crystals or none at all

7 Where are Igneous rocks formed?
Intrusive igneous rock is formed from magma below ground. Extrusive igneous rock is formed from lava above ground. Examples: Intrusive – granite Extrusive - obsidian and pumice Igneous rocks are used for: Intrusive - buildings, countertops, statues Extrusive - arrow heads, sharp blades

8 Igneous Video: Geology Kitchen


10 Videos: Types of Rock and Rock Cycle
Rocks Song

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