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Laboratory Safety.

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1 Laboratory Safety

2 1. How should you pick up a piece of hot glassware? With bare hands
With heat-resistant gloves With the sleeve of your shirt With a spatula

3 2. How should you hold a test tube containing a chemical?
Pointed away from your face Above your head Held to your nose Held up to your partner’s face

4 3. Why shouldn’t you wear dangling jewelry and baggy clothing in the laboratory? The baggier the clothes, the more chemical fumes are absorbed. The metal in the jewelry changes the expected reaction. Lab coats don’t fit over baggy clothes. Jewelry and clothing could get caught on equipment, and clothes can catch on fire.

5 4. When you are done with an experiment, how should you dispose of any chemicals used? Mix them all up in a waste container and dump them in the trash. Pour them all down the sink. Follow instructions given to properly dispose of the particular chemical(s). Mix the chemicals in a flask and heat the mixture until it evaporates into the air.

6 1. Why shouldn’t you wear open-toed shoes in the laboratory?
The open toes allow more chemical fumes to be absorbed into the skin. Open-toed shoes don’t provide proper arch support. Chemical spills in the lab can cause injury to those wearing open-toed shoes. Toenail polish can react with chemicals in the lab.

7 2. When you are done with an experiment, how should you leave your workstation? Leave dirty glassware on workbench for teacher to clean. Leave your completed worksheet and experiment on the workbench for your teacher to examine. Clean all glassware and wipe off lab bench ensuring a clean station. Clean all glassware but leave spills and trash on workbench for your teacher.

8 3. What type of information does an MSDS sheet not give you?
Chemical structure Chemical properties Fair market value Personal safety

9 4. You are really hungry before lab. What should you do?
Eat a snack while in the lab. Only eat a snack in the lab if you have enough for everyone. Quickly eat something before entering the lab. Chew gum wile in the lab.

10 5. What is the best way to avoid eye damage from chemical splashes in the laboratory? Wear your eyeglasses Wear your contact lenses Wear your safety glasses or goggles over your eyeglasses Stay near the eyewash station and first aid kit throughout class.

11 6. Your class is getting ready to dissect a frog. What type of safety would be of most concern to you? Glassware safety Sharp safety Fire safety Chemical safety

12 7. Whose safety should you be concerned with while working in the lab?
Yourself only Others only Your teacher’s Yourself and others

13 8. You are wearing your brand-new sandals and forgot you had lab in science class. Your teacher notices your naked toes, gives you a zero for the lab and sends you to the library for study hall. How could you best avoid receiving a zero in the future and still maintain your fashion sense? Never wear sandals to school again. Keep a pair of old sneakers in your locker to change into. Drop your science class. Hide your feet under your book bag and stay in the back of the class.

14 9. While examining a dissection specimen Samantha is squirted in the eye with formaldehyde. Which piece of safety equipment could have prevented her injury? An apron A ponytail holder Fume hood Safety goggles

15 10. Peter the Rabbit is sitting on a triple beam balance. What can you infer about this? Peter is overweight. One of the students wants to know Peter’s mass. One of the students wants to know Peter’s volume. Peter did not eat breakfast.

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