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The problem of deprivation of liberty as a vindication of rights

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1 The problem of deprivation of liberty as a vindication of rights
Alan D.P. Brady TCD Law School The Constitution at 80 University of Limerick 11 November 2017

2 Overview Conflicts of constitutional rights
Detention of children as vindication of welfare Detention of adults as vindication of welfare Non- detention vindication of welfare rights The character of constitutional welfare rights

3 Conflicts of constitutional rights
People (DPP) v Shaw (1982) Attorney General v X (1992) Rights come into conflict Harmonise if possible Establish priority if not possible

4 Detention of children as vindication of welfare
DG v Eastern Health Board (1997) Child’s rights could not all be vindicated Liberty gave way to welfare rights (G v An Bord Uchtála (1980) Conflict of rights in one person Concerned penal institution, not therapeutic detention (FN v Min Ed (1995) DG v Ireland (2002) – Art 5

5 Detention of adults as vindication of welfare
Inherent jurisdiction detention HSE v JO’B (2011); HSE v VF (2014); HSE v JB (2015) Vindicating rights – no capacity On application of the State Mental Health Act 2001 – HSE v MX (2011) Wardship detention – Re D (1987); Re FD (No 2) (2015); Re AM (2017) S.9 Courts (Supp Prov) Act 1961 Vindication of the person

6 Non- detention vindication of welfare rights
If vindication of welfare rights can require detention, what else can it require? PMcD v Gov X Prison (2015) Possibility of vulnerable persons jurisdiction TD v Min Ed (2001) Mandatory order and Policy VQ v Judge Horgan (2016) TD not applicable to s.47 Child Care Act 1991 Statutory powers? – Wardship

7 The character of constitutional welfare rights
Positive obligation – detention and treatment Positive obligation – treatment only? Hohfeld – claim-right vs liberty/privilege Not a liberty/privilege if can require detention Claim-right – duty All detention applications moved by the State Vindication of welfare rights on person’s application? If not, are these rights at all?

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