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Our parents Us as parents Not just us……

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Presentation on theme: "Our parents Us as parents Not just us……"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our parents Us as parents Not just us……
Our story Our parents Us as parents Not just us……

2 Others stories Other young people’s experiences
Other parents experiences The midwifery booking in questions -not recognising bereavements, inter-parental conflict, Adverse Childhood Events (e. g. neglect, abuse, conflict ) in new parents. Unrecognised parental trauma after birth

3 Recognising infant behaviours
Internalising behaviours Externalising behaviours Organised attachment 60% Insecure anxious, Insecure avoidant, Insecure resistant/ambivalent 25% Disorganised behaviours-15% 8 million children in the UK

4 Agency Empathy Autonomy Emotional regulation Twice the emergency!
By the age of 3, children should have a degree of: Agency Empathy Autonomy Emotional regulation

5 Where we are today

6 Where we could be with Primary Prevention

7 External stress –holding stress- stress management skills

8 What more could we do to improve the ability to cope with stress?
Educate in secondary schools on parenting and emotional health and literacy- PREP programme. Ask parents about their own experience of being parented-ACEs. Address anxiety and attachment in pregnancy Universal parenting skills from pregnancy on attachment and behaviour e.g. Family Foundations, to ensure healthy internal working models from infancy to hold stress-resilience. Include young men and fathers! Address stigma-you are not alone

9 Attachment, behavioural skills and infant and child assessments
No Public Health Outcome Framework measures for perinatal mental health, attachment or parenting More support in the first 1001 days-peak period for post natal depression and anxiety is when baby is 12 weeks but parents may not see health visitor between 6 weeks and one year. Many miss the two and a half year check. Next check-pre school entry. Include early educators in assessments

10 The importance of a non- judgemental approach to make a difference.
No blame, no shame The importance of a non- judgemental approach to make a difference. Whole community approach-not the reserve of professionals.

11 But we need evidence and outcome measures to commission!
So then I met George and Jane and Vivette and Mark and Michael (Hi Andy!)…. Let’s make a difference together. Thank you.

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