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Female Reproductive System

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1 Female Reproductive System
Yellow Book Chapter Three Lesson 2 Page 35

2 External Female Reproductive Organs
___________: rounded mound of fatty tissue located directly over the pubic bone ___________: fatter outer folds on either side of the vaginal opening Labia Minora: small folds of skin which contain oil glands and blood vessels ___________: opening for reproduction, menstruation and childbirth Clitoris: small knob of tissue that contains many nerve endings Urethral Opening: ______________________ ________________________________________

3 Internal Female Reproductive Organs
Ovaries: two female sex glands that produce the mature ova and female hormones Fallopian Tubes: carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus (Fertilization takes place here.) Uterus: hollow muscular organ that receives, holds and nourished the fertilized ovum during pregnancy Endometrium: the lining of the uterus Cervix: opening of the uterus Vagina: elastic, muscle lined tube that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body

4 Menstrual Cycle Ovulation: process of releasing one mature ovum (egg) each month into a fallopian tube With each cycle, the uterus prepares for a possible pregnancy. Menstruation: _________________________ _______________________________________ -Cycle begins on the first day of bleeding. -Most females begin menstruating between the ______________________

5 Days of the Menstrual Cycle
Days 1-8: The cycle begins with the first day of menstruation (bleeding) Days 9-13: The hormones FSH and LH cause an egg to mature in one of the ovaries Day 14: Ovulation (release of an egg) occurs Days 15-28: The egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized the cycle begins again.

6 Menstrual Health Care Hygiene - -Tampons, which are cylinders of absorbent material that are inserted into the vagina should also be changed frequently.

7 How to Deal with Menstrual Cycle Discomfort

8 Concerns About the Female Reproductive System
PMS: Dysmenorrhea: severe menstrual cramps Amenorrhea: Infertility Infection: Cancer: Breast cancer/cervical cancer

9 Female Reproductive Health
Discharge: the lining of the vagina are constantly being shed, this often causes a slight vaginal discharge. Pelvic Examination: recommends that females start yearly visits to a gynecologist (female doctor) after they become sexually active or no later than age 21 Breast Self-Examination

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