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+ Contextualised ESOL course developed by Shipley as part of EIF – 3 year project in Bfd. Health literacy. 10 hour course, 5 sessions + regular stork walks.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Contextualised ESOL course developed by Shipley as part of EIF – 3 year project in Bfd. Health literacy. 10 hour course, 5 sessions + regular stork walks."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Contextualised ESOL course developed by Shipley as part of EIF – 3 year project in Bfd. Health literacy. 10 hour course, 5 sessions + regular stork walks. access services, engage in maternity care, and improve health behaviours and parent-child interaction in English. Diana Bird

2 Links to Better Start Outcomes
social and emotional development language and communication attachment for families and communities

3 Evidence of need ‘there is substantial evidence that language barriers adversely affect access to healthcare, quality of care, patient satisfaction and health outcomes’ (Almeida et al. 2013) Evidence suggests links between perinatal death and poor levels of English (Cross-Sudworth et al. 2015) Bradford study reports concerns that language barriers of EU women limits access to services along with lack of knowledge and empowerment regarding maternal and infant health (Richards et al. 2014) high numbers of women from BS area have “slow” or “no” English (450+ women in 2015) Taken from Service Design document Women booked to deliver at BRI in 2015 from BS area a third had slow or no English (over 450 women)

4 Course objectives improve women’s English language skills within context of pregnancy, birth and parenting increase women’s knowledge around pregnancy, birth and parenting and engage with key health messages increase women’s knowledge around maternity services, care and practices in Bradford empower women to make choices and take more active part in their care

5 Target group Pregnant women in BS area with low levels of English
at any point in their pregnancy – from as early as possible first time mothers or women who already have children Recruitment: Midwives, HVs, self, community workers, ESOL tutors, interpreters, GTT staff, BS staff and projects etc

6 The ESOL for Pregnancy course
Booking in (personal information) Antenatal care – routine appointments Healthy pregnancy Preparing for birth – birth plans Birth and the post natal period Stork walk

7 Key features of app Supports routine communication
Accessible at range of levels – word / image and sentence level Can be used by woman and midwife together Helps women prepare for appointments Supports independent learning particularly for women who lack literacy skills in L1 or L2



10 Choice

11 Strengths Midwife and ESOL tutor collaboration
Community based - creche and travel expenses Small groups and differentiation Reducing isolation Links to other projects and opportunities for cross referral – ESOL + for parents and toddlers, Welcome to the World, Talk English

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