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Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation

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1 Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation Project Architecture Module 12 Welcome to overview of the RAD-IT Project Architecture. This training is designed for transportation professionals who want to understand how to use RAD-IT tool to create regional and project ITS architectures. The training discusses how to use the RAD-IT tool and provides a basic overview of the tool that has been developed to support ARC-IT use.

2 This Module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Create a project architecture from scratch & from an existing regional architecture Explain the use of status values, & instances of elements and replacement flows for projects In this Module, we will look at how to apply all of the features of RAD-IT tool (as presented in the previous Modules of this course) specifically for projects. At the end of this Module, you will be able to: Create a project architecture from scratch & from an existing regional architecture. Explain the use of status values, instances of elements and replacement flows for projects. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Let’s look at these topics first then at the end of the Module in a hands-on exercise, so you will perform these activities in RAD-IT. This Module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

3 Uses of RAD-IT RAD-IT supports ITS Project Deployment by:
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Uses of RAD-IT RAD-IT supports ITS Project Deployment by: Creating and maintaining a Regional Architecture Supporting deployment of an ITS project RAD-IT tool helps to create and maintain Regional Architectures. RAD-IT can leverage this information to support the deployment of ITS Project. Project architectures that we will look at in this Module are one way that RAD-IT supports support deployment of ITS projects (as required by the FHWA Rule and FTA Policy).

4 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Project Architecture A “framework that identifies the institutional agreement and technical integration necessary to interface a major ITS project with other ITS projects and systems” The FHWA Rule/FTA Policy defines a project architecture as a “framework that identifies the institutional agreement and technical integration necessary to interface a major ITS project with other ITS projects and systems” so a project architecture is really an ITS architecture with components for a specific project. The Rule/Policy defines the components of a project architecture as: The project level ITS architecture is based on the results of the systems engineering analysis, and includes the following: (1) A description of the scope of the ITS project; (2) An operational concept that identifies the roles and responsibilities of participating agencies and stakeholders in the operation and implementation of the ITS project; (3) Functional requirements of the ITS project; (4) Interface requirements and information exchanges between the ITS project and other planned and existing systems and subsystems; and (5) Identification of applicable ITS standards. Really, all components of a regional architecture (i.e. stakeholders, elements, services, operational concept, functional requirements, etc.) apply to a project architecture. The RAD-IT capabilities that we have discussed for regional architectures apply equally well for project architectures. Creating a project architectures, instead of just adding the project items directly to the regional architecture, allows you to easily look at just the project components so stakeholders can review them and finalize the project before the items are added to the regional architecture. Also, it is easier to identify the items for the project to be used throughout its implementation (such as requirements and standards.) After looking at how to create a project architecture, we will look at a few features that were created specifically for project architectures. Image Description: In the upper right is an icon of a scale labeled Rule/Policy.

5 Creating a Project Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating a Project Architecture ITS Project Architectures can be created in RAD-IT by either: Developing the Project Architecture by adding all components manually Developing the Project Architecture from existing components with the Regional Architecture A project architecture can be created from scratch for regions that do not have an architecture or for those that do OR it can be defined from the existing regional architecture.

6 Creating a Project Architecture from Scratch
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating a Project Architecture from Scratch Let’s begin by constructing a Project Architecture by adding all the components manually The process for creating a Project Architecture from scratch is the same as for creating a new regional architecture. Begin a new Project Architecture by selecting the Start tab and clicking New. Then, working from left to right across the tabs, enter the planning objectives and strategies, stakeholders, inventory elements, ITS services, stakeholder roles and responsibilities in the R&R, functional requirements of the elements, interfaces, and standards and agreements involved in, or required for the project. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Start tab with a large arrow pointing to the Start tab and a circle around the New Project button. Then a series of arrows are displayed pointing to the Planning, Stakeholders, Inventory, Services, R&R, Requirements, Interfaces, Standards and Agreements tabs.

7 Creating a Project Architecture from a Regional Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating a Project Architecture from a Regional Architecture The alternative to creating a project architecture from scratch is to allow RAD-IT to assist in developing a project architecture from an existing regional architecture components. Although this may be easier than creating an architecture from scratch, it is important to carefully identify and select the relevant portions of the regional architecture while maintaining its connection to the original. This involves the following three steps: Identifying the relevant portion of the regional architecture; Bridging gaps between regional and project architectures; and Incorporating required changes back into the regional architecture. Let’s explore this process in further detail.

8 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture Make a working copy of the RAD-IT regional architecture file (using Save As) On the Start tab, create a new project architecture On the Inventory tab, select and/or create inventory elements involved in the project On the Stakeholders tab, Autoselect stakeholders and augment if necessary The fist step is to Make a working copy of the RAD-IT regional architecture file (using Save As). Then on the Start tab, create a new project architecture and on the Inventory tab, select and/or create inventory elements involved in the project. The fourth step in the process to identify the portion of a regional architecture relevant to a project is: On the Stakeholders tab, Autoselect stakeholders and, if necessary, add additional ones. Let’s look at how this is done. Image Description: Along the bottom is the same a screen capture of the top of a RAD-IT window as on a previous slide. A one points to the File menu, a two to the Start tab, a three to the Inventory tab and a four points to the Stakeholders tab. 1 4 3 2

9 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture Create service package for the project On the R&R tab, Autoselect roles and responsibilities using the “create one area for your project” option On the Requirements tab, Autoselect functional objects then select functional requirements Returning to the step-by-step process to identify the relevant portion of a regional architecture for a project, the next steps are: Create service package for the services to be provided by the project. On the Ops Concept tab, Autoselect roles and responsibilities using the “create one area for your project” option. On the Requirements tab, Autoselect functional objects then select functional requirements for the project. Image Description: Along the bottom is a screen capture of the top of a RAD-IT window. . A five points to the Services tab, a six to the R&R tab and a seven to the Requirements tab. 5 6 7

10 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture On the Interfaces tab, Build the project architecture and tailor interfaces On the Standards tab, tailor standards information On the Agreements tab, select and/or add agreements required for project On the Interfaces tab, do a Build to add interfaces to the project architecture then tailor the interfaces as needed. On the Standards tab, tailor standards information as required. Please note that for this version of the RAD-IT, this feature is not complete. See Module 10, Standards Tab, to find out how to identify Standards in RAD-IT. On the Agreements tab, select and/or add agreements required for the project. Following this process, you generate a project architecture that is a subset of the regional architecture. There are a few things you can do to make the project architecture more useful. Image Description: Along the bottom is a screen capture of the top of a RAD-IT window. . An eight points to the Interfaces tab, a nine to the Standards tab and a ten to the Agreements tab. 8 9 10

11 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Identify the Relevant Portion of the Regional Architecture 1 2 Make a working copy of the RAD-IT regional architecture file (using Save As) On the Start tab, create a new project architecture The fist step is to Make a working copy of the RAD-IT regional architecture file (using Save As). Then on the Start tab, create a new project architecture and on the Inventory tab, select and/or create inventory elements involved in the project. The fourth step in the process to identify the portion of a regional architecture relevant to a project is: On the Stakeholders tab, Autoselect stakeholders and, if necessary, add additional ones. Let’s look at how this is done. Image Description: In the left screen capture of the RAD-IT File menu with the “Save As” highlighted with an oval is shown. Right diagram shows a project architecture is highlighted and the button “New” is highlighted with an oval.

12 Identify Inventory Elements for a Project
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Identify Inventory Elements for a Project 3 Select project elements using checkboxes on the All Elements tab Apply your selections, also on the left To identify inventory elements for a project, in a project architecture on the Inventory tab go to the All Elements tab. This tab lists all the elements in all the architectures in this database. To the left of each element is a checkbox to include the element in the project. Other tabs including Stakeholders, Services and Agreements have an “All” tab and work this way as well. Once all of the elements involved in the project are identified, you must apply your selections using the Apply button underneath the list (i.e. on the left of the tab.) If there are elements to be created in the project, the elements will need to be added (using the New button). Image Description: On the right is a screen capture of a RAD-IT Inventory tab with a three pointing to the Inventory tab. On the list of Elements, a box is around four of them. The four elements are shown larger pulled out to the left with an arrow pointing to the include checkbox to the left of the element names. On the screen capture, the Apply and Cancel buttons are surrounded by another box and shown larger pulled out to the left.

13 Autoselecting Stakeholders
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Autoselecting Stakeholders 4 Automatically selects stakeholders associated with selected inventory elements RAD-IT will automatically select the stakeholders associated with the selected inventory elements in an architecture. To do so, select the Autoselect button on the Stakeholders tab. The Autoselect button works in any architecture, a regional or project. Of course, to use it you must first enter your ITS elements on the Inventory tab.

14 Selecting Service packages
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Selecting Service packages 5 Open Services tab Select service packages to include in the project Apply the changes Next, select the Services tab and select the Project Service Packages to include in the project. Save your changes by selecting the Apply button. Image description: Screenshot of the Services tab in RAD-IT, with selected Project Service Packages and the Apply button highlighted.

15 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Autoselect R&R 6 On the R&R tab, Autoselect roles and responsibilities using the “create one area for your project” option Next, select the R&R tab and select the Autoselect button to open the Roles and Responsibilities options window. In the Autoselect section of the window, make sure the following options are checked: Role and responsibility areas; Stakeholders for new areas; and Roles and responsibilities for selected stakeholders. In the Auto Area Options selection area, select the option for creating one area for your project. Image description: Screen capture of the autoselecting Roles and Responsibilities window including appropriate options.

16 Autoselect Requirements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Autoselect Requirements 7 On the Requirements tab, Autoselect functional objects Select add functional objects that support selected services On the Requirements tab, Autoselect functional objects then select functional requirements. Image description: A screen capture of the Requirements tab in RAD-IT with the Autoselect button selected and highlighted.

17 Interfaces, Standards & Agreements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Interfaces, Standards & Agreements 8 9 10 On the Interfaces tab, Build the project architecture and tailor interfaces On the Standards tab, tailor standards information On the Agreements tab, select and/or add agreements required for project On the Interfaces tab, do a Build to add interfaces to the project architecture, then tailor the interfaces as needed. As mentioned previously, Standards tailoring is not complete for this version of RAD-IT. Then on the Agreements tab, select and add agreements required for the project. By the end of this process you will have generated a project architecture that is a subset of the regional architecture. Image description: A screen capture of the Agreements tab in RAD-IT Architecture with Project Agreement Tab

18 Changing Status of a Project Architecture
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Changing Status of a Project Architecture The status for all items in a project can be changed globally by changing the project status You can update all the status values for a project by changing the status of the project architecture (on the Start tab). When you change that status value of a project, you are given the opportunity to propagate the status change to all items associated with the project (i.e. inventory elements, service packages, functional requirements and information flows). Almost all status values are unique to an architecture, so changing a status in a project architecture will not impact the status of the items in the regional architecture. If you want to propagate the status value changes into the regional architecture you can use the Project to Region command which we will look at in a minute. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Start tab for a project architecture is shown including the pull-down menu for the project status. A large arrow points from the project status menu to the Propagate Project Status window.

19 RAD-IT Capabilities for Creating a PA from a RA
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Capabilities for Creating a PA from a RA Quickly identify the relevant portion of the regional architecture Bridge the gap between regional and project architectures Incorporate required changes back into regional architecture Now let’s look at gap between regional architectures and projects and how the gap can be bridged in RAD-IT .

20 Project Architecture Challenge
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Project Architecture Challenge Bridging the gap between high-level regional architecture and specific projects Specific Project Architecture WSDOT Inventory WSDOT Projects US 2–179th to Woods Cr. Signal upgrade Grade crossing coord. Traffic Cameras The Gap WSDOT NW Region Field Equipment There is a challenge in defining a specific project from a high-level regional architecture. Typically components of an architecture (i.e. inventory elements and projects) are technology and location neutral while we deploy technology in location specific projects. (Click to animate.) The challenge is bridging the gap between architectures and projects. There are RAD-IT features to address this challenge; let’s look at two of them now. Image Description: On the left are two blue boxes representing two elements, WSDOT NW Region Field Equipment and WSDOT Olympic Region Field Equipment. An arrow, transitioning from blue to orange, labeled The Gap points from the elements to a map on the right showing WSDOT Projects as orange dots with one dot circled in dark orange. Then the WSDOT NW Region Field Equipment element is highlighted with a white line around it and the map on the right is replaced by a map of the US 2-179th to Woods Circle project with the project location represented by an orange line between two orange dots on US Route 2. WSDOT Olympic Region Field Equipment Technology Neutral Location Neutral Technology Specific Location Specific

21 Bridging the Gap with Element Instances
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Bridging the Gap with Element Instances Use Element Instances to define specific elements for each project Region Project The Gap MCDOT Field Equipment MCDOT Detectors Project Outer Loop Dynamic Message Signs To help bridge the gap, instances of element can be used to define specific elements for a project. (Click to animate.) Element instances can be created that represent the specific equipment that will be implemented in each project. This approach allows you to define detailed projects without adding excessive detail to the regional architecture. For example, an element of a regional architecture may be MCDOT Field Equipment. In two project architectures, there may be two instances of the element: MCDOT Detectors and, Outer Loop Dynamic Message. In RAD-IT terminology, MCDOT Field Equipment is the “parent element” and the two project elements are “element instances”. Image Description: On the left is a blue box labeled MCDOT Field Equipment. An arrow, transitioning from blue to orange, labeled The Gap points from the element to two blue boxes, on the right, representing two project elements. Another arrow, a thin blue one, points from the MCDOT Field Equipment to the parent element MCDOT Field Equipment on a screen capture of the RAD-IT Inventory tab. On the screen capture, two element instances are listed below the parent MCDOT Field Equipment element and two thin blue lines point from them to the appropriate blue box on the right.

22 Creating Element Instances
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Creating Element Instances To create an element instance, on the Inventory tab you create or select the element instance set the type to Instance and select the Parent Element. The example on the slide shows the element “MCDOT Detectors” which is an instance of “MCDOT Field Equipment” for the MCDOT Traffic Monitoring Expansion project. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Inventory tab is shown with an arrow pointing to the Inventory tab and a box around the Element Type and Parent Element selections.

23 Example of Element Instances in Multiple Architectures
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Example of Element Instances in Multiple Architectures Statewide Architecture element Municipal TOC Barney Falls TOC an instance of Regional Architecture element Barney Falls Video Wall an instance of Project Architecture element Instances of elements allow varying levels of detail to be used including in multiple architectures. For example, an element in a statewide architecture may have instances in a regional architecture. (Click to display first instance.) The element in the regional architecture may have instances of it in project architectures. (Click to display second instance.) Image Description: A blue box labeled Municipal TOC is displayed. Then a lighter blue box labeled Barney Falls TOC and a large yellow arrow pointing from it to the Municipal TOC box and labeled “an instance of” are displayed. Then an even lighter blue box labeled Barney Falls Video Wall and a large yellow arrow pointing from it to the Barney Falls TOC box and labeled “an instance of” are displayed.

24 Bridging the Gap with Flow Replacement
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Bridging the Gap with Flow Replacement Define replacement flows for the project Region MCDOT Field Equipment roadway information system status Freeway Management Center Project Freeway Management Center The Gap dms status MCDOT Outer Loop DMSs In addition to instances of element, flow replacements can be used to define specific information flows for a project to bridge the gap between an architecture and a specific project. (Click to animate.) Replacement flows can be created that represent the specific information that will be exchanged in a project. This approach allows you to be exact in the flow names that you use while keeping the connection to the more general flows used in the regional architecture. In the example shown, the flow “dms status” is replacing the “roadway information system status” flow (which is from the ARC-IT.) Image Description: At the top on the left are two blue boxes with an arrow labeled “roadway information system status” pointing from the MCDOT Field Equipment element to the Freeway Management Center element. On the right are two more blue boxes with an arrow labeled “dms status” pointing from the MCDOT Outer Loop DMSs element to the Freeway Management Center element. To the right of the MCDOT Outer Loop DMSs element, a picture of a DMS is shown. At the bottom is a screen capture of a RAD-IT User Defined Flows window for the “dms status” flow. A thin blue arrow points from the dms status flow on the screen capture to the flow on the upper diagram. Another thin blue arrow points from the roadway information system status flow on the upper diagram to the replacement flow on the screen capture. User Defined Flows Window

25 User Defined Flows RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017
To specify a user defined flow in RAD-IT, you select Add Flows from the Home menu. In the User Defined Flows window, you give the user defined flow a name, description and assigned it to interfaces between physical objects. You can also specify what flow this flow replaces. The “Flow Kind” field in the “Flow Attributes” has 2 values: 1. When creating a new user defined flow, the “Flow Kind” is set to “User Defined” and cannot be changed. 2. After converting a RAD-IT file from a previous release version, certain flows in ARC-IT may have been discontinued between versions of the architecture.  These are represented by a “Flow Kind” called “Discontinued”.  You can choose to modify a discontinued flow.  The “Flow Kind” switches from “Discontinued” to “User Defined” when the flow is modified.  All discontinued flows from the conversion that you wish to keep are also loaded onto the “User Defined Flows” form.  This gives you a convenient way to review and manage all extended flows using the same tool. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT menu is shown with Tools-Add Flows selected. A large arrow points from the Add Flows menu to a the RAD-IT User Defined Flows window on which a large arrow points to the Replacement Flow entry.

26 RAD-IT Capabilities for Creating a PA from a RA
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Capabilities for Creating a PA from a RA Quickly identify the relevant portion of the regional architecture Bridge the gap between regional and project architectures Incorporate required changes back into regional architecture The final RAD-IT capability that we will look at is the ability to easily incorporate changes from a project into a regional architecture.

27 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Merge Process Merge adds a project architecture to the regional architecture Project architectures developed in RAD-IT are not reflected in the regional architecture until merged The process in RAD-IT to reflect a project architecture in the regional architecture is called merge. Project architectures developed in RAD-IT are not automatically reflected in the regional architecture, so if it is desired to reflect the changes of a project in the regional architecture, you must merge the architectures.

28 Merging Architectures
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Merging Architectures To merge architectures in RAD-IT, on the Start tab select the desired project architecture then select the Project to Region button. A Project to Region window will open and display changes to be made. You have the opportunity to review the proposed changes for each type of item and accept or deny them. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Start menu with a large arrow pointing to the Start tab is shown. On it, the Project to Region button is circled and an arrow points from it to the Project to Region window.

29 Project Architecture Items That Can Be Merged
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Project Architecture Items That Can Be Merged Planning Objectives & Strategies Stakeholders Inventory elements Status values Service packages Roles and responsibilities Functional requirements Information flows Standards The items of a project architecture can be merged into the regional architecture in RAD-IT are:. Planning objectives & strategies, Stakeholders, Inventory elements, Status values, Service packages, Roles and responsibilities, Functional requirements, Information flows and Standards.

30 Knowledge Check Defining user defined flows in RAD-IT allows you to?
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Knowledge Check Defining user defined flows in RAD-IT allows you to? Add flows in addition to those in the ARC-IT Replace flows of the ARC-IT Both of the above Defining user defined flows in RAD-IT allows you to? Add flows in addition to those in the ARC-IT Replace flows of the ARC-IT Both of the above Time for a knowledge check. Defining user defined flows in RAD-IT allows you to? Add flows in addition to those in ARC-IT Replace flows of the ARC-IT Both of the above (Click to highlight the correct answer.) Defining user-defined flows in RAD-IT allows you to both add flows in addition to those in the ARC-IT and replace flows of the ARC-IT.

31 Project Related Outputs
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Project Related Outputs All tables & diagrams available Compare Project to Region reports are useful Cannot generate Web pages for projects All of the RAD-IT tables and diagrams are available for a project architecture. The project reports and diagrams only include the project architecture components. There are reports that compare the inventory, services, requirements, flows and standards of a project to the regional architecture (located in the Region to Project Comparison folder on the Reports window). Unfortunately Web pages can only be generated for regional architectures, not projects.

32 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit Architecture = new project architecture Time for an exercise on inventory. The exercise will use the same database that was modified in the previous exercises. If you need the database, click on the screen where indicted to download it. A new project architecture will be added to the database. If it is not already open, open the marinaraforexercises database in RAD-IT. Before beginning the exercise, let’s look at the facts and objective of the exercise. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

33 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Facts Saucelito City plans to expand their Road Maintenance System (RMS) over the next six years More road weather collection equipment will be deployed on city roadways Also, the road weather information will be shared with the Bus Operations Center & Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center Saucelito City plans to expand their Road Maintenance System (RMS) over the next six years. Additional road weather collection equipment will be deployed on city roadways. Also, the road weather information will be shared with the Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center & Bus Operations Center in addition to TOMATO & GARLIC who already receive it. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

34 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Objective Create a project architecture for the Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project Reflect the changes of the project into the Marinara County Regional Architecture In this exercise, we will create a simple project architecture for the Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project. Then we will reflect the changes of the project into the Marinara County Regional Architecture. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

35 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps On the Start Tab, begin a new project architecture with: Name = Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project Status = Planned Please complete the exercise (by performing the following steps.) On the Start Tab, begin a new project architecture with: Name = Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project and Status = Planned. If you were really creating a project architecture, you would want to include a description, timeframe, geographic scope, service scope and maintenance information but, since they are not required, we will skip them in the interest of time. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

36 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) On the Inventory Tab, include the following elements in the project: Bus Operations Center Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center On the Inventory Tab, include the following elements in the project: Bus Operations Center, Saucelito City Road Maintenance System and Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center. If we were really creating a project architecture we should review all of the other inventory elements to see if any are related to the project and should be included to give context. For this exercise, we are going to keep it simple and limit the number of elements involved. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

37 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Add a new element to the project with: Name = Saucelito City Environmental Sensor Stations Type = Instance Parent Element = Saucelito City Field Equipment Stakeholder = Saucelito City Department of Public Works Status = Planned Mapping = Roadway Subsystem However we do need to add a new element for: Name = Saucelito City Environmental Sensor Stations Type = Instance Parent Element = Saucelito City Field Equipment Stakeholder = Saucelito City Department of Public Works Status = Planned Mapping = Roadway Subsystem Feel free to include a description for the element but it is not required. Also, include the element in the new project (Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Expansion Project). Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

38 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) On the Stakeholders Tab, Autoselect the stakeholders On the Stakeholders Tab, Autoselect the stakeholders. Based on the four elements in the project, three stakeholders will be selected. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

39 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) On the Service Tab, add a new instance of the WX01: Weather Data Collection service package: Status = Planned Name = Weather Data Collection (Saucelito City Expansion) Elements = Saucelito City Environmental Sensor Stations & Saucelito City Road Maintenance System On the Service Tab, add a new instance of the WX01: Weather Data Collection service package: Status = Planned Name = Weather Data Collection (Saucelito City Expansion) Elements = Saucelito City Environmental Sensor Stations & Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Feel free to include a description but it is not required. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

40 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) On the Service Tab, add a new instance of the WX02: Weather Information Processing and Distribution service package Status = Planned Name = Weather Information Processing and Distribution (Saucelito City Expansion) Elements = Bus Operations Center, Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center & Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Still on the Service Tab, add a new instance of the WX02: Weather Information Processing and Distribution service package Status = Planned Name = Weather Information Processing and Distribution (Saucelito City Expansion) Elements = Bus Operations Center, Saucelito Fire and Rescue Center & Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Again, feel free to include a description but it is not required. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

41 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) On the Interfaces Tab, build the project architecture (to show all possible flows on the Interfaces tab and a moderate flow selection) Review the selected interfaces On the Interfaces Tab, build the project architecture (to show all possible flows on the Interfaces tab and a moderate flow selection). Review the selected interfaces to make sure that they appropriately reflect the project. If necessary, tailor the information flows. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

42 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For the Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Expansion Project: View the Subsystem diagram View the Flow diagram showing all elements in the project For the Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Expansion Project: View the Subsystem diagram. View the Flow diagram showing all elements in the project. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

43 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For the Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Expansion Project: View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Inventory Report View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Services Report View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Flows Report For the Saucelito City Road Maintenance System Expansion Project: View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Inventory Report. View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Services Report. View the Region to Project Comparison Compare Flows Report. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

44 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) Merge the Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project into the Marinara County Regional Architecture and make all proposed changes Merge the Saucelito City RMS Expansion Project into the Marinara County Regional Architecture and make all proposed changes. Remember that to merge an architecture, you select the desired project architecture on the Start tab then select the Project to Region button. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

45 Exercise - Knowledge Check
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Knowledge Check From which RAD-IT Tab was the Saucelito City RMS Expansion project merged into the Marinara County Regional Architecture? Start Stakeholders Inventory Interfaces From which RAD-IT Tab was the Saucelito City RMS Expansion project merged into the Marinara County Regional Architecture? Start Stakeholders Inventory Interfaces Let’s conclude the exercise with a knowledge check. On what RAD-IT Tab was the Saucelito City RMS Expansion project merged into the Marinara County Regional Architecture? Start Stakeholders Inventory Interfaces (Click to highlight the correct answer.) The correct answer is the Start Tab. You select the project architecture and then select the Project to Region button.

46 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Create a project architecture from scratch & from an existing regional architecture Explain the use of status values, & instances of elements and replacement flows for projects Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You have completed Module 12: Project Architecture. You are now able to: Create a project architecture from scratch & from an existing regional architecture, Explain the use of status values, and instances of elements and replacement flows for projects. Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

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