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LINUX FOR BEGINNERS Because everyone needs Fundamentals

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Presentation on theme: "LINUX FOR BEGINNERS Because everyone needs Fundamentals"— Presentation transcript:

1 LINUX FOR BEGINNERS Because everyone needs Fundamentals
WEEK #3of 8: Getting around the first time to Shell

2 Week #3 Major Topics Introduction to Cloud and Virtualization,
Filesystem Basics What is the “SHELL” Basic Command Line Skills Review and Exercises

3 Introduction to Cloud and virtualization
Virtualization- separates physical infrastructure to create various dedicated resources. It is the fundamental technology that powers the cloud computing Vmware,citrix, rhev, oracle virtualbox Cloud computing – the delivery of shared computing service, software or data – as a service and on- demand through the internet Amazon, Rackspace, google, local company, etc. virtualization and cloud computing work together to provide different types of services, as is the case with private clouds.

4 Filesystem Basics / (root level) etc dev var home usr boot /home/ddadula/documents/file.txt Documents Music Desktop ddadula Ktrinidad aregencia

5 What is a shell? Shell is an command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input device (keyboard) or from a file.

6 Basic Command line 1. Basic shell and command line syntax 2. How to use help in Linux

7 Basic shell and command line syntax
We need to cover: i. commands, options, arguments ii. globbing iii. Quoting IV. Variables

8 commands, options, arguments
Ls - list LS -L /home/…… Cat - Concatenate Echo – prints on the screen Cd – change directory Which - which binary can I run? Ls; ls - command after a command History

9 Globbing and QUOTING & variables
Ls *.txt - * any charcter Ls file?.txt - any single character Quoting " “ VARIABLE=value Echo varialble=value Echo $PATH – global variables

10 Variables (and the PATH variable)
Echo $PATH - directories : directory - special variable that tells the shell where to look for specific commands

11 How to use help in Linux? i. Man – most commonly used ii. Info – more detailed iii. man pages - /usr/share/man

12 Q & A Thank you!

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