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Motivating Employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating Employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating Employees

2 Employees will be motivated if
They have a personality that predisposes them to be motivated Their expectations have been met The job and organization are consistent with their values The employees have been given achievable goals The employees receive feedback on their goal attainment The organization rewards them for achieving their goals The employees perceive they are being treated fairly, and Their coworkers demonstrate a high level of motivation

3 Is an Employee Predisposed to Being Motivated?
Personality Conscientiousness Self-esteem Chronic Situational Socially influenced Need for achievement Intrinsic motivation

4 Increasing Self-Esteem
Self-esteem workshops Experience with success self-fulfilling prophecy trying new experiences and taking little steps Supervisor behavior Pygmalion effect Golem effect

5 Need for Achievement McClelland (1961) Three needs
Need for affiliation Need for power

6 Employee Values and Expectations
Have the employee’s expectations been met? Realistic job previews (RJPs) Job descriptions Have the employee’s needs, values and wants been met? Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy ERG Theory Two-factor Theory

7 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
Self-Actualization Needs Ego Needs Social Needs Safety Needs Basic Biological Needs

8 ERG Theory Growth Relatedness Existence

9 Two-Factor Theory Motivators Hygiene factors Responsibility Growth
Challenge Job control Hygiene factors Pay Benefits Coworkers Security

10 Comparison of Needs Theories
Maslow ERG Two-Factor Self-actualization Growth Motivators Ego Social Relatedness Hygiene Factors Safety Existence Physical

11 Job Characteristics Theory
Employees desire jobs that are Meaningful Allow autonomy Provide them with feedback Jobs will have motivating potential if they have Skill variety Task identification Task significance

12 Correlation with Work Behavior
Job Characteristics and Work Behavior Fried and Ferris (1987) meta-analysis Job characteristic Correlation with Work Behavior Satisfaction Performance Absenteeism Skill variety .45 .09 -.24 Task identity .26 .13 -.15 Task significance .35 .14 Autonomy .48 .18 -.29 Job feedback .43 .22 -.19 Motivating potential score .63 -.32

13 Setting Goals Specific Measurable Difficult but attainable Relevant
Time bound Employee participation

14 Providing Feedback Positive Feedback Negative Feedback
should be specific should be sincere should be timely Negative Feedback should be constructive concentrate on behaviors always give in private Self-Regulation Theory

15 Going Hollywood Office Space (DVD Segment 13)

16 Going Hollywood 9 to 5 (DVD Segment 5: The Xerox Room)

17 What was wrong with the feedback in the video clips?
Let's Talk What was wrong with the feedback in the video clips?

18 Rewarding Excellent Performance
Timing of the reward Contingency of the reward Type of reward

19 The Premack Principle Different things reinforce different people
We can get people to engage in behaviors they don’t like (e.g., studying) by reinforcing them with the opportunity to engage in behaviors they like better (e.g., taking out the trash)

20 Sample Reinforcement Hierarchy
Most Desired - Money - Time off from work - Lunch time - Working next to Wanda - Supervisor praise - Running the press - Getting printing plates - Throwing out oily rags - Typesetting - Cleaning the press Least Desired

21 Financial Incentive Plans
Individual Incentive Plans pay for performance merit pay Organizational Incentive Plans profit sharing gainsharing stock options

22 Variable Pay Individual (tenure, performance, skill and knowledge) Organizational (gainsharing, profit sharing, stock options) _______________________________________________ Adjustments Location (COLAs) Shift ________________________________________________ Base Pay Market value Job evaluation Benefits

23 Punishing Poor Performance

24 Let's Talk What are the merits of rewarding good performance versus punishing bad performance?

25 Treating Employees Fairly Equity and Keeping Promises

26 Are Rewards And Resources Given Equitably?
Equity Theory Components inputs outputs input/output ratio Possible Situations underpayment overpayment equal payment

27 Equity Theory Underpayment Overpayment Work less hard
Become more selfish Lower job satisfaction Overpayment No guilt feelings Work harder Become more team oriented

28 Expectancy Theory Expectancy Instrumentality Valence

29 Motivation Level of Other Employees Social Learning

30 Putting it all Together
Applied Case Study: Taco Bueno Restaurants

31 Motivation Strategies
Let's Talk Focus on Ethics Motivation Strategies

32 What Do You Think? Although there were some legal ramifications for what Hooter’s did, do you think what they did to the waitress was also unethical? Do you think that the waitresses were lied to? If so, do you think lying to employees is unethical? What do you think about the motivating strategy of allowing employees to rip off the shirts of other employees? Is humiliating employees ethical?

33 What Do You Think? Is it ethical to promise money or other monetary compensation to students for studying hard? What if the losing students actually studied harder then the winner, but the winner only did well because he/she just happened to be brighter? Would giving that student the money be fair to the students who studied hard? Does the fact that these motivation techniques had the desired result by increasing sales or decreasing the use of paper outweigh any negative consequences of such motivators?

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