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Live at Home Annual Review LHRL Provider Information Event

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Presentation on theme: "Live at Home Annual Review LHRL Provider Information Event"— Presentation transcript:

1 Live at Home Annual Review LHRL Provider Information Event

2 Agenda Update on LHRL Annual Review Changes to the LHRL
Deed of Variation Re-Rank Process Q4 Performance return Summary Next Steps

3 Update on LHRL Since the LHRL went live we have seen a significant increase in packages that are sourced via the framework from 48% to 62% We remain committed to increasing the volume of work commissioned through the framework and working more closely with framework providers. The LHRL has allowed us to: Successfully support a bulk transfer of packages within the Framework restricting access to LHRL providers in the first instance Work more strategically with the LHRL providers to help to improve the current service and shape the way Adult Social Care commissions domiciliary care services in the future for example, a strategic supplier group has been formed which meets with commissioners. Propose a launch for a mini-competitions pilot that will be designed to further maximise the number of packages that are placed within the LHRL Framework.

4 Annual Review As part of the framework ECC is undertaking an annual review that will: Allow existing providers to amend their prices and the lists they operate on Allow new providers to join the Framework There are a number of amendments that will be implemented as part of the annual review: Review of the Pricing matrix Review the TSAs and approach Review of the approach to Enhanced rate packages Review of the terms of the framework via a Deed of Variation

5 Annual Review Process The annual review will result in an overall score for existing providers to determine their ranked position on the list. This score as part of the annual review process will be obtained by: A score will be achieved for price following the submission of the revised pricing matrix A score will be achieved for Performance following the outcome of the Q4 performance review To remain on the framework providers are required to fully participate in the Annual Review process and complete the following three actions: Sign and return the Deed of Variation by 13th December Submit rates via the BIP Delta Sourcing System by noon 13th December Complete the Q4 performance return on Essex Insight by 16th February

6 Annual Review Process A separate event is open for non LHRL providers to participate in to join the LHRL where an overall score will be achieved in accordance with the evaluation criteria used to access the list. The new entrants overall score will be ranked with existing service providers overall scores with the highest overall score at the top of the relevant LHRL and then ranked in descending order.

7 Pricing Changes – Minimum rates
From 8 April 2018, ECC will apply the following minimum rates for care: All existing packages will remain at their current rate with the exception of packages that are currently below these minimum rates which will be increased to the minimum rates from 8th April. NB Supported Living packages are not in scope for the new minimum rates so will remain unchanged. Type of Care Base point on Pricing Matrix Increase from current minimum rate card Night Sleeping £11.76 No Change 24 Hour live in care All other care covered by LHRL contract £14.68 2.2%

8 Pricing Changes – Pricing Matrix
The pricing matrix has been amended to: Reflect the new minimum rate by removing the price points below this new rate and creating a new lowest price point of £14.68 The upper range of the matrix has also been increased to allow providers a greater range of prices to select from within the framework. Highest rate was £16.64 (£17.84 in Epping) now £17.84 (£18.76 in Epping) Enhanced rates remain unchanged at a fixed amount of £1.88 TSA rates remain unchanged with five options between £0 - £2.80 TSA rates Rate 1 £0.00 Rate 2 £1.00 Rate 3 £1.60 Rate 4 £2.20 Rate 5 £2.80

9 Target Supply Area Changes
A review of the TSA’s has been undertaken which has resulted in the following amendments : AS IS 2017/18 TO BE 2018/19 Based on old Ward boundaries 37 TSAs Identified across 7 Districts Based on Current Ward boundaries 68 TSAs Identified across 7 Districts including 37 new areas. 4 areas that will be removed from TSA namely Braintree West, Heybridge West, Barnston & High Easter and North Takely. Providers required to opt into supply within TSA areas by selecting a TSA rate. Provider will be required to select a rate for TSAs for each list (with the exception of Night sleep etc) they chose to operate within where the district has TSAs defined Map and list of ward names identified in the contract Improved Map with list of ward names and associated postcodes within each ward. Existing Adults placed prior to 8th April 2018 will remain on existing rates unless a package changes. The LHRL rates in force at the time of a package change will be applied to the package change. This may result in a TSA being added or removed as part of the package change.

10 Target Supply Areas

11 Enhanced Rate - overview
The Enhancement Criteria will be applied by ECC if the Individual: Has a complex need that may result in additional support required completing a task. Is at risk or there is a concern for their safety Families dynamic may factor into how the task is complete Requires specialist or trained staff for a specific task The enhanced rate was designed as a premium to be applied, at the social worker professional discretion, to packages where the individual meets at least one of the above criteria. The payment of an Enhanced Rate shall be in the Council’s absolute discretion There is practice guidance within the practice library and regularly updated that supports social workers in identifying an individuals care and support needs. This is not a checklist that identifies if a package meets the criteria or not. Since go live less than 1% of packages have been placed on the enhanced rate with live at home providers. The majority of packages flagged as enhanced have been placed in the spot market.

12 Enhanced Rate Approach
Accurate application of the enhanced rate to packages remains an issue within the LHRL We need to Improve the understanding and gain a more consistent application - work has commenced internally to improve the understanding of the enhanced rate. SPT co-ordinators are encouraged to work with Social Workers, where appropriate, to ensure the enhanced rate has been considered on packages and flag packages for review. An internal pathfinder is being developed to commence in the south quadrant in the next few weeks. This will involve: targeted work with social workers to promote the enhanced rate better understand any blockers for its application Develop case studies and further guidance that can support social workers to understand the enhanced rate criteria Lessons learned from the pathfinder will be rolled out in other quadrants in the new year

13 Enhanced Rates Impact on Packages
Type of Care Package Eligibility for Enhanced rate Packages placed to date Only eligible for the enhanced rate to be applied if the package is reviewed and a package change is implemented identifying that the individual now meets the enhanced criteria. ECC are undertaking a significant review programme for all packages so will ensure that the scope of application of enhanced rates is applied. Packages placed now If in the Service Provider’s reasonable opinion; the Adult’s needs meet the enhanced criteria then they can request this is reviewed by asking the SPT co-ordinator who will request a review by the Social Worker. If the enhanced rate is then agreed the package would need to be resourced from the top of the relevant LHRL The proposed implementation of Mini competitions within the framework will allow LHRL Service Providers the opportunity to bid at a rate outside of their framework rates if a package is not picked up via the ranked list process.

14 Enhanced Rate changes The approach to applying Enhanced rates to packages will remain unchanged, however all providers that bid in the area will be added to the enhanced list. AS IS 2017/18 TO BE 2018/19 Providers required to opt into supply for individuals where the Enhanced Rate criteria have been met. Provider will automatically be added to the enhanced criteria list which will result in all providers in the area being offered enhanced rate packages. All these packages will be placed with the additional £1.88 fixed rate premium. In the event that a review of the Adult’s needs finds that the Enhanced criteria are no longer met then the enhanced rate will be removed from the package and a new Purchase Order issued on the LHRL rates in force at the time of the package change.

15 Mini Competitions The DOV introduces amendments to the placement processes to support the proposed implementation of mini competitions within the framework. AS IS 2017/18 TO BE 2018/19 Run a mini competition to make a placement with any service provider on the relevant LHRL run a mini competition to place an Adult or group of adults with any service provider on any LHRL Service Providers on the relevant LHRL submit a price for the delivery of the Services to the Adult. service providers either: (a) confirm that they wish to accept the individual Adult or group of Adults (as the case maybe) at their Price; or (b) select a Price from the pricing matrices for the delivery of the Services to the Adult or group of Adults (as the case maybe). Three Calendar days to respond and submit a price to the Council. Timescales for responses shall be particular to requirements of the Adult or group of Adults to respond to submit a price to the Council.

16 Deed of Variation

17 Deed of Variation The price, TSA and Enhanced rate changes along with a number of amendments for clarity have been drafted in a Deed of Variation (DOV). A Draft DOV was attached to the tender for your review Final DOV, completed with your organisation details will be issued today following the presentation. Providers not in attendance will be sent to registered address in the contract by special delivery 4pm 7th November. To remain on the Framework providers will be required to sign and return their DOV by 13th December 2017. Both copies of your signed DOVs must be returned to Adults Contract Management Team E1 zone 2 County Hall Chelmsford CM1 1QH

18 Key Dates for Deed of Variation
Failure to return a signed Deed of Variation will result your organisation being suspended from the framework on 8th April 2018 and no further packages shall be referred to or placed with you under the terms of the framework until a signed Deed of Variation has been received. Any questions after this session can be sent to: Date Activity Tuesday 7th November Deed of Variation Issued Wednesday 13th December Last date to return Deed signed to Essex County Council (to allow for council sealing process) Mid-February 2018 Sealed DOV’s returned to Providers Sunday 8th April 2018 New packages placed at new rates

19 DOV Questions

20 Annual Review Process

21 Participating in the Pricing submission
To remain on the list following 8 April 2018 providers must participate in the LHRL review process on Delta eSourcing and submit a revised pricing matrix. Providers are able to add additional branches to their agreement and amend the localities they wish to operate in. The annual review tender is only open to existing LHRL providers. New providers wishing to join the framework will have a separate tender on the Delta eSourcing system for which LHRL provider are not required to respond to Existing service providers scores from the pricing review and Q4 performance review will be combined to obtain an overall score and ranked position on the relevant list. Guidance notes on how to use the system have been produced and will be ed to all providers.

22 Indicative timescales for Annual Review
Date Activity Wednesday 1st November Annual Review documentation and re-opening of LHRL Tuesday 7th November Bidder Event Wednesday 29th November Final Date for Clarifications from Providers Wednesday 13th December Annual Review Documentation deadline on Delta eSourcing Mid February 2018 ECC Evaluation complete Friday 23rd February 2018 Confirmation of new ranking position Sunday 8th April 2018 Operation of new list commences The Authority will not be bound by this timetable if extensive bid clarification is required during evaluation.

23 Q4 Performance Return

24 Quarter 4 Essex Insight return
The Q4 quarterly review process is the same the previous quarter except that providers are required to report against KPI 3 (Satisfaction survey) as well as the other KPIs and MIs. Providers are required to have a minimum level of responses from Adults who are receiving a service (25% of Adults, or 40% for providers delivering care to less than 10 Adults). If the minimum response rate is not achieved a provider will be scored 0. Providers must ask Adults the 6 questions set out in the contract and score them (agree or n/a:1 and disagree: 0). All scores received should be added together then divided by the number of responses received to give the average score. Then refer to the scoring table in the contract to convert the average score to the score to be input to the Essex Insight survey.

25 Next Steps - Summary To remain on the LHRL existing providers need to complete three actions: Complete and return the Deed of Variation by 13th December 2017 Any Questions on the DOV please address to Participate in the pricing resubmission deadline for submissions is 12 noon 13th December 2017 within Delta eSourcing system Any Questions on the pricing resubmission must be directed through the Delta eSourcing message facility. Any problems with the functionality of the system please contact Delta eSourcing on Complete the Q4 Performance review in Essex insight by 16th February 2017. Any Questions on the Q4 Performance report to

26 Questions?

27 Finally….. In the foyer: Care Provider Information Hub demonstration and ability to provide feedback Mini competitions project team available to share information on the proposed pathfinder that will be limited to LHRL providers Contract Management team available to distribute Final Deed of Variations Extranet stand to discuss the extranet and invoicing process with our financial colleagues

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