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AS Chemistry Coordinate or Dative Covalent Bonding NH4+ Al2Cl6 CO H3O+

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Presentation on theme: "AS Chemistry Coordinate or Dative Covalent Bonding NH4+ Al2Cl6 CO H3O+"— Presentation transcript:

1 AS Chemistry Coordinate or Dative Covalent Bonding NH4+ Al2Cl6 CO H3O+

2 Draw a dot and cross diagram to show how NH3 bonds to H+ to form NH4+

3 Ammonium ion : NH4+ . H N + H+ H + N H NH3 + H+  NH4+
What is unusual about the covalent bond that is formed?

4 Co-ordinate (Dative Covalent) Bonding
= a covalent bond formed when both shared electrons are provided by only one atom. The shared e- pair comes from a lone pair on the donor atom eg N of NH3, O of H2O The atom accepting the lone pair must have an incomplete outer energy level eg H+, Al in AlCl3, C in CO

5 (only the method of formation differs).
Dative are physically and chemically identical to ordinary covalent bonds (only the method of formation differs). Represent by X: Y instead of X Y

6 Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in H3O+

7 Hydronium ion : H3O+ . . . H O + H+  . . H O +
Why is H4O2+ unlikely to form from H3O+?

8 H4O2+ is unlikely to form via the second lone pair because;
the second H+ is repelled by H3O+

9 Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in the dimer Al2Cl6

10 Aluminium chloride dimer, Al2Cl6
. Cl Al Al2Cl6

11 Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in carbon monoxide CO

12 C O N Carbon monoxide, CO Isoelectronic with N2 :
What does isoelectronic mean?

13 Why does NH3 react readily with BF3 to form a stable compound?

14 . N B H F N of NH3 has a lone pair on the N atom.
The B atom of BF3 has an incomplete energy level and can form a dative bond with the N atom. . H N F B ALL atoms now have a noble gas configuration 14

15 The End

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