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Drawing and Line Weight

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1 Drawing and Line Weight
U1-L4 August 30, 2007 Drawing and Line Weight DRILL Answer in a complete sentence: A general sketching and technical drawing rule is to begin ALL lines as very thin lines. Why would this be?

2 DRAWING Rules for drawing: Pull your pencil, don’t push it.
Use proper line weight Always start with LIGHT layout lines.

3 DRAWING Always pull your pencil, don’t push it.
Mark two points, then draw your pencil between them. Use horizontal lines to connect the dots in Exercise 1 on your worksheet Use LIGHT lines!

4 DRAWING The LIGHT lines you start with are called Construction Lines.
U1-L4 DRAWING The LIGHT lines you start with are called Construction Lines. ALL LINES should begin as Construction lines.

5 DRAWING Three line weights in this class: Thin: not noticeable from 3’
U1-L4 DRAWING Three line weights in this class: Thin: not noticeable from 3’ Medium: noticeable from 3’ Thick: obvious from 3’ Complete Exercise 2 – draw thin, medium, and heavy lines. ALL LINES BEGIN AS CONSTRUCTION LINES!

6 U1-L4 GRID ENLARGEMENT Turn over your worksheet and complete the grid enlargement. USE ONLY CONSTRUCTION LINES


8 U1-L4 Homework Complete the grid enlargement exercise. CONSTRUCTION LINES ONLY. Course notebook due Friday. Assignment pad due Friday.

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