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Long Distance 1 Lessons 2 and 3.

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1 Long Distance 1 Lessons 2 and 3

2 They are sweets from America. It could mean ….
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? There are two possible meanings for the word Lifesavers mention in the poem. Write these down; one has been given to you: They are sweets from America. It could mean ….

3 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Relationships are often fraught and some fathers and sons don’t get on: If you can, show a clip from The Simpsons which shows the disconnect between Homer and Grampa Simpson. Then explore possible reasons for disconnection between any father/son. Show next slide as support if needed.

4 Possible reasons for the disconnection: Interests change
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Relationships are often fraught and some father and sons’ relationships change: Possible reasons for the disconnection: Interests change Lives separate Distance

5 Now analyse the poem in more detail.
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Now analyse the poem in more detail. Highlight on the poem the two different voices in the poem. 1. In the first stanza what does the poet use to show there are two voices? Highlight where the second voice ends. Note on the poem how this links to separation. Extension: What other technique does the poet use to show the difference in voices (think of sounds)? How does this link to separation?

6 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Highlight words and phrases (and label any poetic devices/language features) the poet uses to illustrate the separation between the two. The father complains to show his grief. Next, highlight words and phrases etc to illustrate the grief of the father.

7 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Next, identify quotations to show the separation the narrator feels from his father. Clue – look in the first and last stanza.

8 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Your bed’s got two wrong sides. Your life’s all grouse. I let your phone-call take its dismal course: Ah can’t stand it no more, this empty house! Carrots choke us wi’out your mam’s white sauce! Them sweets you brought me, you can have ‘em back. Ah’m diabetic now. Got all the facts. (The diabetes comes hard on the track of two coronaries and cataracts.)

9 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Ah’ve allus liked things sweet! But now ah push Food down mi throat! Ah’d sooner do wi’out. And t’only reason now for beer’s to flush (so t’dietician said) mi kidneys out. When I come round, they’ll be laid out, the sweets, Lifesavers, my father’s New World treats, Still in the big brown bag, and only bought Rushing through JFK as a last thought.

10 LOs:. Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? Red, amber, green those assessment objectives you have covered in these two lessons. AO1 Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations. AO2 Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.

11 For this part of the exam, you will complete two tasks/questions.
LOs: Can I show I can begin to explore the idea of grief and separation in a poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support the above ideas? New lesson: You should be able to analyse and compare key features such as the poems’ content, theme, structure and use of language. For this part of the exam, you will complete two tasks/questions. the first will be a question on the first unseen poem, which is worth 24 marks. the second question asks you to compare this first poem with a second unseen poem and respond to a short comparative question. This is worth 8 marks.

12 Suggested timings for answering the questions for unseen poetry
Suggested timings for the first question (analysing the first unseen poem): 5 minutes reading and then writing a plan 25 minutes writing your response Suggested timings for the second question (comparing the first poem with the new second unseen poem): 10 minutes writing your response.

13 LOs:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LOs: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance 1’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Discuss what you would include to answer this question. Feedback… Then, make a plan in pairs. Remember to use the assessment objectives and guidance on the next slide:

14 LOs:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LOs: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance I’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Plan: What is the poem about? What feelings does the speaker have about his father? (Think about the content as well as the mood of the poem) What does quotations will you select to convey the speaker’s feelings? (What poetic devices/features does the poet use to present his feelings?) What structural evidence will you use?

15 LO:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LO: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance 1’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Show marking criteria

16 LO:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LO: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance 1’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Students spend 25 minutes writing their response Peer assess in blue – see next slide for self assessment first.

17 LOs:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LOs: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance 1’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Now you have finished, first check your own work with a single tick in red first for each of the following: Have the words ‘the speaker’ or similar been used? Have the words ‘the poet’ or similar been used? Has subject terminology been used? Has structure been written about? Have connectives been used? Then peer assess: WWW and EBI

18 LOs:. Can I show I can explore my response to the poem
LOs: Can I show I can explore my response to the poem? Can I show I can select evidence to support my ideas? In ‘Long Distance 1’, how does the poet present the speaker’s feelings about his father? Now you have finished, first check your own work with a single tick in red first – if you haven’t included these, then write them in red pen before peer assessment: Have the words ‘the speaker’ or similar been used? Have the words ‘the poet’ or similar been used? Has subject terminology been used? Has structure been written about? Have connectives been used? Then peer assess. WWW and EBI Red pen your own work acting on your partner’s comments.

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