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Presentation on theme: "Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denmark

2 Facts The capital city is Copenhagen.
In 2016 the population was close to 6 million The currency is Danish Krone. Their official language is Danish. Demark is one hour ahead of Ireland. Demark has many nice foods like Danish pastry

3 More facts Denmark's highest mountain is Mollehoj which is only 170 m high Denmark's longest river is the river Gudena which is 176 km long. Ireland is two times bigger than Denmark

4 The flag

5 The map

6 Famous person Ole Krik Christiansen invented Lego.
His factory burned down twice He was born on the 7th April 1891 and died on 11th March 1958. He died at the age of 66 from a heart attack He first toys were wooden before plastic.

7 Ole Krik Christiansen He was born in Filskov [Denmark]
He was a carpenter before a toy maker.

8 Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark.
Copenhagen has the worlds second oldest amusement park. In 1847 Carlsberg [Beer ] was made in Copenhagen.

9 Questions Where whose Ole Krik Christiansen born? Filskov
What does the flag look like? Red with a white cross. What is Carlsberg? Beer What is the population of Denmark? Close to 6 million.

10 Thanks for watching

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