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Welcome to…. Gabe’s Science Project! 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to…. Gabe’s Science Project! "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to…. Gabe’s Science Project! 

2 The Solar System! Our solar system is a humungous and wonderful place! Some planets are gas planets, the following: (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.) Some of the planets are solid masses, the following: (Mercury, Venus , Earth, Mars.)

3 Inner Planets! Mercury is made of solid rock. Venus is made of a rocky material, and a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Earth is made up of rocky materials such as silicon, iron, and nickel. Our atmosphere is made up of nitrogen and oxygen but, there are traces of argon, carbon dioxide , and other gases Mars is made of carbon dioxide and other traces of other substances. The inner planets are the closest planets to the Sun, they are separated from the gas giants by a asteroid belt behind Mars. All of the inner planets(except Earth) are named after roman gods.

4 Outer Planets ! Saturn got messed up.  Jupiter is made up of helium, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and water Saturn is made up of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia Uranus is made of helium, methane, and hydrogen. Neptune is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. The outer planets are gas giants. All of the giants have rings, but the ones on Jupiter and Neptune are hard to see. All giants are named after roman gods.

5 Earth’s Surface! Sorry if the picture is blurry. 
Over 70% of earth’s surface is water and land is only 30%. Many earthquakes happen under the sea that we don’t see or feel, but they still shape and destroy earths surface. The only geographical changes we see from earthquakes is mountains, valleys, and canyons. People can also change the landscape by building businesses, offices, and highways.

6 Earth’s Surface 2.0! I live here. 
Many places on earth is created by rivers eroding the surface to create canyons, coastlines, and many more features that cut deep into the Earth. What all the continents and the oceans sit on is rock, tons and tons of rock that cooled 4.5 billion years ago. Many mountains form by the hitting of plates and pushing this rock up the higher the mountain is the more of the rock is pushed up. When the earth was first formed all the continents were one but, over the time the plates hit each other the landmass moved away from each other.

7 Mars’s surface! Mars’s surface is made up of iron, but it reacts to the little oxygen that is on Mars creating rust. Other things include mountains and valleys. The largest of several volcanoes is the Olympus Mons which towers 17 miles high and covers the size of the state Missouri. Mars also has valleys that would stretch from New York to Los Angeles if it were on Earth. It is know as the Valles Marineries.

8 Mars’s Surface! 2.0 Here is an ice cap.  What does that mean? When Mars's polar ice caps get sunlight they turn into water and carbon dioxide vaporize and go up into the atmosphere they churn up dust and move along and churn up more and more dust. Sometimes the dust storms can cover all of Mars.

9 Curiosity! Curiosity is a rover that went to Mars out of several it is the biggest and weighs the most of all of them. It’s used to seek out another planet that we can live on. The main purpose of Curiosity is to see if we can live on Mars. It has almost been on Mars for almost about one in a half years on Mars. It ahs discovered riverbeds, the essentials for life, and drilling for more information in Mars.

10 How Planets are Alike! All of the inner planets about the same size. They also are called terrestrial (has a solid core and surface) planets ,unlike the outer planets. The outer planets are not close to the same size. (Neptune and Uranus are about the same size.) all of them have in common is that they are all unterrestial( they don’t have a solid core and surface

11 How Planets Are Different!
Mercury is made of craters, Venus is a volcano heaven, Earth supports life, and mars is rust. Jupiter is made of different gases, Saturn is made up of gases, but is know for its rings, Neptune is the most dense of the gas giants, Uranus is know for its rings going vertical. (up and down)

12 Conclusion! In conclusion, our solar system is an amazing and wonderful place that we live in! I hope you learned something and wasn’t bored this whole time! 


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