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Fuzzy Logics.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuzzy Logics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuzzy Logics

2 Introduction Not a logic that is fuzzy but a logic to solve fuzziness
Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of reasoning that resembles human reasoning. Involves all intermediate possibilities between digital values YES and NO. Inventor: Lotfi Zadeh

3 Introduction A range of possibilities between yes or no
Fuzzy logic Works on Level of possibilities for output

4 Advantages It can control machines Deals with uncertainty
Acceptable reasoning Easy to construct and understand

5 Architecture Fuzzification Module: Knowledge base: Inference module:
Transforms system input. Knowledge base: Stores if-then Inference module: Simulates human reasoning on input De-fuzzification Module: Transform fuzzy logics back to crisp

6 Architecture Cont.….

7 Membership function Allows to quantify linguistic term and represent a fuzzy set graphically μA:X → [0,1] Membership value: mapping between the elements

8 Example

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