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Ch. 5.1: Early American Culture

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1 Ch. 5.1: Early American Culture
EQ: Describe the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment, and how they changed colonial culture with new ideas.

2 Land, Rights, and Wealth By 1700s colonial life was improving, with more opportunities for people than in England Less than 5% of people owned land in England, however land plentiful in colonies Since only white male landowners could vote, more people in colonies had voting rights

3 Women Most Women were farm wives (did: cooking, cleaning, watching children) Some ran inns Could not vote or own property if married

4 Children Learned to read only to study the Bible
Learning writing and math only if wealthy Education stopped at 7 Then helped at home/farm Boys became apprentices (someone learning a trade from a craftsman) at 11

5 Loss of Faith Religious enthusiasm decreased in 1700s
Colonists focused more on making a living and less on church

6 The Great Awakening Religion came back into spotlight with movement known as The Great Awakening Challenged people to make moral choices and follow through with their actions

7 Freedom of Thought Great Awakening allowed expression of ideas amongst colonists For first time, colonists discussed and openly debated moral issues and ways to make their lives better New ideas and beliefs started during the Great Awakening influenced colonists to eventually start the American Revolution

8 FYI: Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards was most famous preacher during Great Awakening Gave terrifying vision of hell, encouraging colonists to return to their religious roots in his sermons Promised they could be saved

9 Effects of the Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was huge event in colonies Great Awakening encouraged an increase in religious enthusiasm and desire for political independence from England

10 The Enlightenment A movement that stressed reason and science as paths to knowledge. Based on Natural Laws John Locke argued people have natural rights Life, Liberty, and Property Locke believed government was created to protect natural rights If government failed – people had right to change it (including monarchies!). He disputed the belief that kings had a God-given right to rule

11 Summary! Reflect on what you learned! Write a 8-10 sentence minimum summary answering the EQ with details! Remember the EQ is: Describe the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment, and how they changed colonial culture with new ideas.

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