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Why Study International Business

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1 Why Study International Business

2 Why Study International Business
Any organization you work for will have international operations or be affected by the global economy

3 Why Study International Business
You need to understand this increasingly important area to better assess career opportunities and to interact effectively with other managers

4 Why Study International Business
You may eventually work for a firm that is owned by a corporation headquartered in another country

5 Example A Toronto-based company started in the 90s
Was then acquired in ‘06 by DRG, based in Massachusetts Which was then acquired by Piramal in ’12, based in India

6 Why Study International Business
Small business is becoming more involved in international business (growth of e-commerce)

7 Why Study International Business
To obtain cultural literacy in order to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences of the world’s peoples with whom you may do business

8 Why Study International Business
Keep abreast of the latest business techniques and tools, which may be developed outside of North America but used extensively by North Americans

9 Why Study International Business
Examples: Motorola’s Six Sigma – set of techniques and tools developed for process improvement in the 80s, popularized as a business strategy by GE in the 90s Toyota’s Just in Time – operations management approach, now followed by many companies such as Hewlett-Packard

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