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Title here font size 66 Please use this template to create your e-Poster, this is a 16:9 aspect ratio and will be viewed on 50-55 inch screens throughout.

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Presentation on theme: "Title here font size 66 Please use this template to create your e-Poster, this is a 16:9 aspect ratio and will be viewed on 50-55 inch screens throughout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title here font size 66 Please use this template to create your e-Poster, this is a 16:9 aspect ratio and will be viewed on inch screens throughout the Symposium delegate area. Text safe zone: When creating your e-Poster please make sure your text stays within the text safe zone which is a 1.5cm border around the perimeter of the poster. Resist the temptation to overload the poster, more material may mean less communication. Font Size Please adhere to the following font sizes for your e-Poster: Title font size 48 – 72 Sub Heading font size Body Text font size Fine print font size To enable the audience to see your graphics, images, diagrams and photos clearly please ensure they are at least 300ppi. Please note hyperlinks, animated images, animations and animated slide transitions are not permitted for e-Posters and will be non-functioning. Be creative with your e-Posters you are not restricted to any particular style or colour. e-Poster competition judging: e-Posters will be judged by the Symposium committee using the following criteria: Originality of content Quality of material Visual impact Clarity of message How graphics contribute to information flow or content. Changes made: Changed the title. There was no mention of the project name Changed font to arial – cleaner to look at? Added some visual elements to the background info. Took out the graph of population growth. Added in a piece on MFI Mentioned that you started in select suburbs (otherwise it doesn’t make sense when talking about spread) Changed the wording around the drivers and change package to make this clearer for someone new to the project/unfamiliar with methodology Updated the results charts and added 2 more in. Took out the star of days saved so that the format looks cleaner. Suggest adding in another quote and/or photo from a patient (is it Miss Tua or Mrs Tua?) Updated the next steps. I think saying we are going on to implement is confusing for people unfamiliar with the methodology. So talked more about sustain. Made a final comment to sum up.

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