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1 MAARBLE-CAA status

2 MAARBLE Wave database : Products
space Cluster (ULF/Pc3-5, ULF/Pc1-2) Cluster (ULF/Pc1, VLF) Data distribution THEMIS (ULF/Pc3-5, ULF/Pc1-2, VLF) GOES (ULF/Pc3-5, ULF/Pc1-2) Swarm (subject to timely launch, ULF/Pc3-5) CHAMP (ULF/Pc3-5) CARISMA (ULF/Pc3-5) Cluster Science Archive ground IMAGE (ULF/Pc3-5)

3 Status TODO Wave database: all datasets delivered
Data available via the Cluster Science Archive (CSA) : Also via IRF’s site: Good progress on Wave Maps (WP3.6) TODO Reprocess and redeliver Cluster Pc3-5 datasets Redeliver IMAGE datasets

4 Wave parameters

5 Wave parameters in Pc1-2 range: example from Cluster B spectrum E spectrum Degree of polarization Planarity Ellipticity Propagation angles Poynting flux

6 Deliverable D3.1: ULF wave databases
(space and ground based) Space-based Cluster, 4 s/c, Datasets: PC1, PC12, PC35, FACMATR (supporting dataset) THEMIS, 5 s/c, Datasets: PC12, PC35, FACMATR (supporting dataset) GOES, 2 s/c (G11, G12), CHAMP, 1 s/c, Datasets: PC35 Ground-based IMAGE, 10 ground stations, CARISMA, 5 ground stations, CARISMA PINA Total: files

7 VLF wave database (space-based)
Deliverable D3.2 VLF: VLF wave database (space-based) Space-based Cluster, 4 s/c, Datasets: VLF THEMIS, 5 s/c, Total: files

8 EMIC statistics from Cluster (polar) + THEMIS (equatorial)
EMIC normalized occurrence in MLAT All bands H band He band O band [Mella et al., 2014, in preparation] An off-equatorial population of EMIC waves exists!

9 EMIC propagation and polarization properties
[Mella et al., 2014, in preparation] Wave normal angle (qk) Power Ellipticity RH LH MLT map (b) He band EMIC Occurrence rate: Hydrogen band -> morning sector Helium band -> afternoon sector Oxygen band -> dusk sector Typical range of <BB*> (magnetic power) is 1e-2 to 1e2 nT2 Hz-1 Most of the observed EMIC waves have wave normal angles very close to field aligned (qk < 5°) Ellipticity ranging from -0.5 to 0.5

10 Chorus statistics from THEMIS - THA/THD/THE - year 2008
Normalized Frequency (f/fc,e) vs. Wave normal angle (qk) Rising-tone Chorus (spectral points) Yres(f) Falling-tone Chorus (spectral points) (b) Yres(f) Most rising tone spectral points in lower band (f < 0.5 fc,e) with k quasi-parallel to B0 (qk < 30°); Also many scanned qk close to Yres (Yres ... resonance cone angle) Most falling tone spectral points in lower band (f < 0.5 fc,e) with qk close to Yres; (Yres ... resonance cone angle) High qk is generated already close to equatorial plane (source region); THEMIS at -16° < MLAT < +10° [Taubenschuss et al.,2014, submitted]

11 Rising tones – Falling tones
Comparison Rising tones – Falling tones [Taubenschuss et al.,2014, submitted] (b) (a) (d) (c) Only Box 4 (lower band; qk > 40°) contains enough data points from both groups for a direct comparison Mean <BB*> (magnetic power) and <EE*> (electric power) in Box 4 are at similar levels; <BB*>: 1e-4 vs. 1e-4 nT2 Hz-1 <EE*>: 5e-1 vs. 10e-1 mV2 m-2 Hz-1 Risers and Fallers in Box 4 are ~electrostatic (cB/E < 5) ... same type of wave, just different spectral drift

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