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Metamorphic Rocks.

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Presentation on theme: "Metamorphic Rocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamorphic Rocks

2 What do the following pictures have in common?
What do you think metamorphic rocks are? Rocks that have been changed from another rock. Something is changing or “morphing”.

3 Since metamorphic rocks are changed rocks, what did they used to be?
Metamorphic rocks were once one of the other three types of rocks igneous sedimentary even another metamorphic rock

4 How are Metamorphic Rocks Formed?
Other Metamorphic Rock Igneous Rock Sedimentary Rock Heat & Pressure = Metamorphic Rock

5 Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic Rock

6 How did these rocks change?
There are 3 ways rocks can be changed into metamorphic rocks. With high heat (but not enough to melt the rock because then it will become an igneous rock) With intense pressure – changes the structure of the rock and makes it look different. Chemical changes

7 What can happen to the structures in the original rock?
Rounded pebbles can become flattened with the intense pressure. Minerals that were scattered throughout the rock will be forced to line up according to density. Flat, horizontal layers become wavy and distorted due to the heat and pressure.

8 Example of Metamorphosed Texture

9 Where can metamorphism happen?
Next to an area where igneous rock is forming (by magma). The heat changes the surrounding rock into metamorphic rock. This is known as contact metamorphism since only the rocks in close contact with the igneous rock are changed. Underneath many layers above or close to where rocks are moving – the pressure changes these rocks. This is known as regional metamorphism since an entire area of rocks may be changed.

10 1. Contact Metamorphism Smaller areas, more local effects from the heat around the edges (contact) of an igneous intrusion (lava).

11 Metamorphic rocks are found only where you see this symbol.
Contact Metamorphism only occurs at the place where the magma contacts the rock. Metamorphic rocks are found only where you see this symbol. Sedimentary – Rock Salt Sedimentary - Sandstone Igneous Intrusion Sedimentary - Limestone

12 Examples of contact metamorphism
These rocks have not been changed yet. These rocks are in the process of being changed by the heat from the magma. What does limestone a become? Marble What does quartz sandstone a become? Quartzite What does shale a become? Hornfels Sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock

13 2. Regional Metamorphism
Extreme forces of heat and pressure act over a WIDE geographic area (ex: the East coast) Associated with Mountain Building Processes

14 Regional Metamorphism

15 Appalachian Mountains Regional Metamorphism

16 Photograph of regional metamorphism
New York State thruway

17 Metamorphic Rock Chart

18 Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks!


20 2 Groups of Metamorphic Rocks
Has stripes called banding or layers called foliation. Has a crystalline structure but no banding or foliation.

21 1. Banding/Foliation – minerals in rock re-crystallize and are rearranged into alternating light and dark bands. (They look like zebra stripes)


23 Butterfly Pattern

24 Quartz-Schist

25 Foliation

26 Sedimentary to Metamorphic:
SURFACE MUD 5 km DEEP SHALE (sedimentary) 10 km DEEP SLATE (low grade metamorphic) 15 km DEEP SCHIST (Garnet appears) 20 km DEEP GNEISS (high grade metamorphic) 25 km DEEP HORNFELS (Cordierite appears)

27 Non-foliated vs. Foliated

28 Sedimentary Shale (Parent Rock)
+ Heat & Pressure = Metamorphic Slate

29 = + Heat & Pressure Sedimentary Conglomerate (Parent Rock) Metamorphic

30 Igneous Granite (parent rock)
+ Heat & Pressure = Metamorphic Gneiss

31 Metamorphic Sedimentary

32 Sedimentary dolostone or limestone (parent rock)
+ Heat & Pressure = Metamorphic Marble

33 Mica - Schist


35 Metamorphic Rock Questions

36 Would you find fossils in Metamorphic Rocks?
NO! The Heat and Pressure would have destroyed them!

37 Q: What is the parent rock of slate?
Shale is a Sedimentary Rock

38 Q: Name a metamorphic rock that is formed only by contact metamorphism.

39 Q: Name a non-foliated rock with a coarse grain size.

40 Q: Name a metamorphic rock that would react with hydrochloric acid

41 Name a foliated metamorphic rock that has the minerals mica, quartz, feldspar, amphibole, and garnet, but NOT pyroxene.

42 The Rock Cycle

43 It’s Tim and Moby Time! BrainPOP Rock cycle

44 Rock Cycle cycle movie/

45 The Rock Cycle The Rock Cycle

46 Rock Cycle Using this chart you can determine how one type of rock can change into another type by following the arrows.


48 How can a sedimentary rock become a metamorphic rock?
With heat and/or pressure - metamorphism

49 How can an igneous rock become a metamorphic rock?
With heat and/or pressure - metamorphism

50 How can a metamorphic rock become an igneous rock?
By melting into magma and then solidifying (solidification means becoming a solid) into an igneous rock.

51 How can a sedimentary rock become a different sedimentary rock?
By becoming uplifted (lifted up) weathered and eroded then the sediments are deposited, buried, compacted, and cemented becoming a sedimentary rock.

52 Wordsearch Wordsearch

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