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Bible 10 November 4, 2013.

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1 Bible 10 November 4, 2013

2 Philippians 2:5-7 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,     being made in human likeness

3 __________ 2:5-7 In your ___________ with one _______, have the ____ _______ as ______ Jesus: 6 ___, being __ ____ nature ___, did not ________ equality with ___ _________ to __ used to ___ ___ advantage; 7 ______, he ____ himself _______ by taking ___ very nature of a _______,     being ____in _____ likeness

4 __________ 2:__-__ In ____ ___________ with ___ _______, ____ the ____ _______ as ______ _____: 6 ___, _____ __ ____ nature ___, ___not ________ ________ with ___ _________ to __ ____to ___ ___ _________; 7 ______, he ____ _______ _______ by taking ___ very _____ __ a _______,     _____ ____in _____ ________.

5 In Journals Imagine you are a defense lawyer and you your client is probably guilty of the crime for which he/she is being tried. What techniques would you try to use in order to get the jury to doubt the guilt of your client? How would you fight for a “not-guilty” verdict for your client?

6 Arguments for Theism and Christianity
Cosmological Argument Anthropic Principle/Fine Tuning Design (Teleological) Argument Axiological (Moral) Argument Minimal Facts Approach to the Resurrection Eyewitness Evidence

7 Who are the “New Atheists”?
New Atheism is the name given to the ideas promoted by a collection of modern atheist writers who have advocated the view that "religion should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises.[1] [1] Source: Wikipedia

8 Their rise to prominence…?

9 Video Reflection Questions
What did this video say? How does it affect you?

10 Overview of tactics used [pp141-152]
Challenge the nature of truth (objective vs. subjective truth) Focus on the best the prosecution has to offer (p144 hearsay) Target the micro to distract from the macro Attack the messenger (p146 Ad Hominem) Demand perfection (p148 Working with All the Imperfections) Alternative “possibilities” (p149 Alternative Explanations) Employ a culturally winsome attitude (p151 – A presentation…)

11 Tell your partner about an event
Partner uses defense attorney tactics to try to sow doubt in the relating of the story. Challenge the nature of truth (objective vs. subjective truth) Focus on the best the prosecution has to offer (p144 hearsay) Target the micro to distract from the macro Attack the messenger (p146 Ad Hominem) Demand perfection (p148 Working with All the Imperfections) Alternative “possibilities” (p149 Alternative Explanations) Employ a culturally winsome attitude (p151 – A presentation…)

12 Homework Study for Verse Quiz – Philippians 2:5-7
Review the Defensive Strategy on pages When you have disagreements with friends/family about something, which of these tactics do you find being used the most? Have you ever used these tactics yourself? Give an example of how an Atheist might use one of these techniques against Christian belief.

13 Bible 10 November 5, 2013

14 Philippians 2:5-7 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,     being made in human likeness

15 __________ 2:5-7 In your ___________ with one _______, have the ____ _______ as ______ Jesus: 6 ___, being __ ____ nature ___, did not ________ equality with ___ _________ to __ used to ___ ___ advantage; 7 ______, he ____ himself _______ by taking ___ very nature of a _______,     being ____in _____ likeness

16 __________ 2:__-__ In ____ ___________ with ___ _______, ____ the ____ _______ as ______ _____: 6 ___, _____ __ ____ nature ___, ___not ________ ________ with ___ _________ to __ ____to ___ ___ _________; 7 ______, he ____ _______ _______ by taking ___ very _____ __ a _______,     _____ ____in _____ ________.

17 Collect and discuss homework
When you have disagreements with friends/family about something, which of these tactics do you find being used the most? Have you ever used these tactics yourself? Give an example of how an Atheist might use one of these techniques against Christian belief.

18 Who are the “New Atheists”?
New Atheism is the name given to the ideas promoted by a collection of modern atheist writers who have advocated the view that "religion should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises.[1] [1] Source: Wikipedia

19 Overview of tactics used [pp141-152]
Challenge the nature of truth (objective vs. subjective truth) Focus on the best the prosecution has to offer (p144 hearsay) Target the micro to distract from the macro Attack the messenger (p146 Ad Hominem) Demand perfection (p148 Working with All the Imperfections) Alternative “possibilities” (p149 Alternative Explanations) Employ a culturally winsome attitude (p151 – A presentation…)

20 Video Reflection Questions
What did this video say? How does it affect you?

21 Zeitgeist Mithras p150

22 Zeitgeist, continued Attis –
Attis was born of a Nymph who had an almond fall in her lap.  That almond was actually the severed genitalia of another god Agdistis.  More like accidental copulation rather than virgin birth. Attis was not crucified, he was driven mad because he was unfaithful to the goddess Cybele who loved him. Cybele caused him to go crazy and he castrated himself, bleeding to death in the woods. Attis was kind of resurrected, but not really.  He wasn’t raised from the dead to continue living his life, he was turned into a fir tree to live out his existence as a tree in the forest.

23 Causation and Correlation
Both were triple screw (propeller) Described as "unsinkable" The Titanic was the world's largest luxury liner, and was once described by newspapers as being "designed to be unsinkable" and "virtually unsinkable".[5] The Titan was the largest craft afloat and the greatest of the works of men, and was deemed "practically unsinkable" (as quoted in Robertson's book). Shortage of lifeboats The Titanic carried only 16 lifeboats, plus 4 Engelhardts, less than half needed. The Titan carried "as few as the law allowed", 24 lifeboats, less than half needed. Struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Sinking, both having more than half of their passengers dying

24 Zeitgeist, cont Causation and Correlation Titanic
For a bit more visit: to-zeitgeist/

25 Homework Study for verse quiz
Send in additional questions about the Bible, Theology, and/or God to for discussion in class.


27 November 6-7, 2013 Study silently for verse quiz
Bible 10 November 6-7, 2013 Study silently for verse quiz

28 __________ 2:__-__ In ____ ___________ with ___ _______, ____ the ____ _______ as ______ _____: 6 ___, _____ __ ____ nature ___, ___not ________ ________ with ___ _________ to __ ____to ___ ___ _________; 7 ______, he ____ _______ _______ by taking ___ very _____ __ a _______,     _____ ____in _____ ________.

29 Tell your partner about an event
Partner uses defense attorney tactics to try to sow doubt in the relating of the story. Challenge the nature of truth (objective vs. subjective truth) Focus on the best the prosecution has to offer (p144 hearsay) Target the micro to distract from the macro Attack the messenger (p146 Ad Hominem) Demand perfection (p148 Working with All the Imperfections) Alternative “possibilities” (p149 Alternative Explanations) Employ a culturally winsome attitude (p151 – A presentation…)

30 Chain of Custody What is it? Why is it important?

31 Framing a suspect and evidence tampering

32 How Chain of Custody applies to the Gospels
Read aloud pp

33 Super-mini-assessment

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