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Skin Disorders Five Major Categories of Skin Disorders:

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1 Skin Disorders Five Major Categories of Skin Disorders:
Inflammatory Conditions Bacterial Infections Viral Infections Genetic Disorders Parasitic Infestations (fungi, insects, etc.)

2 Inflammatory conditions
Psoriasis Dermatitis Eczema Rosacea Bed Sores

3 Inflammation Inflammation (Latin, īnflammō, “to ignite, set alight”) is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues (those with widespread blood vessles) to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. Inflammation is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli and to initiate the healing process. Without inflammation, wounds and infections would never heal.. However, chronic inflammation can also lead to a host of diseases, such as hay fever, periodontitis, atherosclerosis, arthritis, and even cancer. It is for that reason that inflammation is normally closely regulated by the body. -Wikipedia

4 Psoriasis Increased cell division up to 10x normal. Leaves red, dry, scaly patches. Usually occurs on knees, elbows, hands, but can also appear on torso. Most common is Plaque formation. Outbreaks due to trauma or emotional stress.

5 General Dermatitis Superficial inflammation; red swelling due to immune reaction to allergen. Skin is red and itchy. Can be linked to deficiency of Zinc.

6 Eczema Red, itchy, and swollen vascular lesions that become dry, scaly, and crusted. Noncontiguous.

7 Rosacea Flush, sunburn appearance in face. Results in permanent red lines. Usually occurs on face of people with lighter skin. Pustules can develop and become infected.

8 Bedsores Properly called Pressure Ulcers
Caused by decreased circulation where bony projections of body are immobilized. Infection can occur.

9 Bacterial Infections Acne Impetigo Scarlet Fever

10 Acne Overactive or inflamed sebaceous glands become plugged and sometimes infected.

11 Impetigo Blisters & Crusted lesions occur often around mouth.
Caused by Staphylococcus aures or S. pyogeneus

12 Scarlet Fever Rash below ears, on chest, under arms.
Spreads to other parts of abdomen. Caused by group A Streptococcus often in people who have strep throat.

13 Viral Infections Chicken Pox Shingles

14 Chicken Pox Herpes Varcella Zoster virus
Tiny pustules start on abdomen then spread over body. Itch. Usually better to get earlier in life. Now a vaccine is available.

15 Shingles Small clear blisters form on skin usually on chest, under arms, or abdomen. Caused by Herpes Zoster Virus that is lies dormant in spine. Then infects peripheral nerves. Follows nerve tracts. Painful.

16 Parasitic Infestations
Fungal Athlete’s Foot Ringworm Arthropods (Jointed-Legged Animals) Scabies Bedbugs

17 Athlete’s Foot & Ring Worm
Not a worm! A skin fungus called Tinea. Grows under nails, skin, and hair. Tinea Pedis- Foot Tinea Capitis- Head

18 Scabies Infestation of mites. Sarcoptes scabei
Very Itchy. Very contageous. Spread by lengthy physical contact with an infected person. Can live off body for hours.

19 Bedbugs Infestation of cimicid insects
Nocturnal, blood-sucking vampires that hide in bedding, clothing, luggage…. Don’t let ‘em bite!

20 More bedbugs

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