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ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

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1 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
Data Link Protocols ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

2 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
HDLC Station Types Primary Station (a station than can issue commands) Secondary Station (a station that issues responses to commands) Combined Stations (a station can operate as either primary or secondary, issuing either requests, or responses) ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

3 HDLC Link configurations
Unbalanced (top) (one primary and multiple secondary stations over pt-to-pt or multi-point link) Symmetrical (like unbalanced but control of link can shift between machines) Balanced (bottom) (combined station over pt-to-pt link -- a peer-to-peer arrangement) ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

4 HDLC Data Transfer Modes
Normal Response Mode (NRM) Unbalanced link configuration w/single primary and multiple secondary stations Secondary stations can only transfer data when polled by the primary station Asynchronous balanced mode (ABM) Balanced link configuration w/combined stations Either station can initiate data transfer at any time Asynchronous response mode (ARM) Secondary stations are allowed to transfer data without a poll from the primary station ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

5 General HDLC Frame Format
Sandwich the information between a header and trailer DLC Header DLC Trailer INFORMATION ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

6 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
Initial Breakdown FLAG FIELD INFORMATION ADDRESS CONTROL FCS ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

7 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
HDLC Frame Types Information (I) - carries user data and flow/error control information Supervisory (S) - used to provide additional flow/error control functions Unnumbered (U) used to provide additional link control functions ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

8 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
CONTROL FIELD Either 8 or 16 bit field - used for flow management different for each type of frame If start bit = 0 it is an information frame If first two bits = “10”, it is a supervisory frame If first two bits = “11”, it is an unnumbered frame ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

9 Specific HDLC Control Bits: I, S, U
N(S) P/F N(R) 1 S P/F N(R) 1 1 M(1) P/F M(2) N(S) = sequence number of I frame being sent N/R = sequence # of next expected I frame P/F = poll/final bit S = supervisory frame code M(1) M(2) = unnnum. code ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

10 Specific HDLC Control Bits: S
Selective Reject RRR P/F 1101 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

11 Specific HDLC Control Bits: U
ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

12 Specific HDLC Control Bits: I
ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

13 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking
Other fields Frame Check Sequence Uses the standard CRC (16 bit) or CRC-32 (32 bit) Information Variable length (usually multiple of 8 bytes) I-frame = User Data S-frame = does not exist U-frame = management data (network management) ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

14 Supervisory Frame Types
Receive Ready (RR) ACK Poll Negative Poll Positive Select ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

15 Supervisory Frame Types
Receive Not Ready(RNR) ACK Select Negative Select Reject - Go Back n ARQ Selective Reject - Selective Reject ARQ ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

16 Data transfer example - Peers
U-frame, SABM, P=1, establishes link in ABM Station B returns UA, F=1 indicating agreement on mode and the P/F bits will no longer be used Station A sends I frame, numbered 0 then another numbered 1 Station A Station B SABM UA data 0 data 1 data 0 ACK 2 data 1 ACK 2 data 2 ACK 2 RR, ACK 3 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

17 Data transfer example - Peers
Station A Station B Station B now sends it’s own I frame but also ACKs I frames 0 and 1 from Station A Station B follows with I frames 1 & 2, the ACK stays the same as no other data has been sent from Station A Station A has no other data to send, but must ACK data from Station B, so an S-frame is sent, with RR, ACK 3 SABM UA data 0 data 1 data 0 ACK 2 data 1 ACK 2 data 2 ACK 2 RR, ACK 3 ICSA 341 Data Communications & Networking

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