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VIII Moscow International Conference of Higher Education Researchers

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1 VIII Moscow International Conference of Higher Education Researchers
DYNAMIC UNIVERSITIES FOR DYNAMIC WORLD MOSCOW OCTOBER Political Participation and Re-Politicization: A New Paradigm for Universities? Imanol Ordorika Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

2 Universities as political institutions
Are universities dynamic? Shifting paradigms Politicization in the 1960’s: cultural and political change In the knowledge economy: myths and realities Repoliticization of the university

3 Dynamic universities? Medieval heritage Universities and change
Conservative institutions of society (Altbach)? Continuity and disruption Shifting paradigms Religion and crown Scholastics and emerging sciences Humboldtian model: Identity formation and industrial development Land grants, liberal education and science Golden era: expansion and consolidation

4 Politicization in the 1960’s
An era of profound cultural and political changes brought about by student movements (university actors and institutions) Anti authoritarianism and democracy (Mexico, Checoslovaquia) Civil rights, racial equality, anti apartheid (United States, South Africa) National liberation and peace (Algeria, Vietnam) Feminism and gender equality Environmentalism Social justice and revolution (Latin America, Africa) Cultural change

5 In the knowledge economy
The entrepreneurial university Political neutrality Diversification Centrality of graduate studies and research outputs Technology transfers and links to the economy International competition and rankings Myths and realities of university role in the global economy Patents and the misery of university knowledge transfers

6 University patents US university patents granted grew at a much slower rate than overall US patents granted, from 1992 to 2012 (67% vs 157%) US university patents granted participation rate of total patents granted remained almost steady (1.4 to 1.7%) Only 100 universities (out of 620 that receive federal research funding have five or more patents granted per year. 25 US universities concentrate 50% of university patents granted since 1969.

7 A context for repoliticization
Student movements for access, free HE and against for profits (UK, Germany, Occupy Wall Street, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, etc.) Brazilian Federal universities challenge government ban on political debate. Colombian universities call for vote in favor of peace in National referendum Universities, faculty and students call for vote against Brexit in UK. Indignados students challenge political system in Spain. Universities a stronghold for independence in Catalonia. Rectors reject government and opposition in Venezuela Decolonization of universities student struggles in South Africa

8 A context for repoliticization
Trump election Universities disconnect with political reality and social constituencies Isolation Political and academic values emerging from universities challenged (gender, race, global warming, científicos facts). Universities versus Trump Nature of universities themselves and pursuit of knowledge Immigration bans and DACA Bard College president Botstein: American universities must take a stand

9 Universities, political institutions in contemporary societies
Imanol Ordorika Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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