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Cuticle Vascular Tissue Zygote Nonvascular Plant Vascular Plant

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1 Cuticle Vascular Tissue Zygote Nonvascular Plant Vascular Plant
Waxy, waterproof layer that covers the leaves and stems of most plants Vascular Tissue Internal transporting tissue in some plants that is made up of tube-like structures Zygote A fertilized egg, produced by the joining of a sperm and an egg Nonvascular Plant A low growing plant that lacks true vascular tissue Vascular Plant A plant with true vascular tissue

2 The vascular tissue through which food moves in some plants
Sporophyte The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces spores Gametophyte The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces gametes or sex cells Rhizoid A thin, root like structure that anchors a moss and absorbs water and nutrients Frond The leaf of a fern plant Phloem The vascular tissue through which food moves in some plants

3 A young organism that develops from a zygote
Xylem The vascular tissue through which water and nutrients move in some plants Pollen Tiny particles (male gametophytes) produced by seed plants that contain the cells that will become sperm cells Seed The plant structure that contains a young plant within a protective covering Embryo A young organism that develops from a zygote Cotyledon A seed leaf

4 Germination Root Cap Cambium Transpiration Gymnosperm
The sprouting of an embryo from a seed that occurs where the embryo resumes growth Root Cap A structure that covers the tip of the root, protecting the root from injury Cambium A layer of cells in a plant that produces new phloem and xylem cells Transpiration The process by which water is lost through a plant’s leaves Gymnosperm A plant that produces seeds that are not enclosed by a protective fruit

5 Cone Ovule Pollination Angiosperm Flower
The reproductive structure of a gymnosperm Ovule A structure that contains an egg cell Pollination The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structures to the female reproductive structures in a plant Angiosperm A flowering plant that produces seeds enclosed in a protective structure Flower The reproductive structure of an angiosperm

6 Sepal Petal Stamen Pistil Ovary
A leaf like structure that encloses the bud of a flower Petal The colorful, leaf like structure of some flowers Stamen A male reproductive part of a flower Pistil The female reproductive part of a flower Ovary A flower structure that encloses and protects ovules and seeds as they develop

7 Fruit Monocot Dicot Tropism Hormone
The ripened ovary and other structures that enclose one or more seeds Monocot An angiosperm with one seed leaf Dicot An angiosperm that has two seed leaves Tropism The growth response of a plant towards or away from a stimulus Hormone A chemical in an organism that produces a specific effect such as growth and development

8 Auxin Short Day Plant Long Day Plant Critical Night Length
A plant hormone that speeds up the rate of growth in plant cells Photoperiodism A plant’s response to the seasonal changes in length of day and night Short Day Plant A plant that flowers when the nights are longer than the plant’s critical night length Long Day Plant A plant that flowers when the nights are shorter than the plant’s critical night length Critical Night Length The number of hours of darkness that determines whether or not a plant will flower

9 Day Neutral Plant Dormancy Annual Biennial Perennial
A plant with flowering cycle that is not sensitive to periods of light and dark Dormancy A period when an organism’s growth or activity stops Annual A flowering plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season Biennial A flowering plant that completes its life cycle in two years Perennial A flowering plant that lives for more than two years

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