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The Syntax of Focus Particles in German Event vs. Result Nominals

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Presentation on theme: "The Syntax of Focus Particles in German Event vs. Result Nominals"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Syntax of Focus Particles in German Event vs. Result Nominals
Anja Kleemann Queen Mary, University of London

2 The Syntax / Information Structure-Interface in German DPs
syntactic structure of DPs information structure of DPs

3 The Relation between Focus and Focus Particles
Context: Mary introduced Bill and Tom to Sue and there were no other introductions Mary introduced Bill to Sue Mary introduced Tom to Sue *Mary only introduced BILL to Sue

4 To explain focus particle placement in German DPs:
Aim of the Talk To explain focus particle placement in German DPs: Event Nominals Result Nominals vs.

5 The Focus Particle Nur ‘Only’ within German DPs
sequences of focus particle and focus [DP ... nur [AP / CP / DP focus ... ]] [DP... focus nur ]

6 New Data – German DPs Placement of nur in event vs. result nominals
Marys Absage nur des FRÜHEN Termins Mary-GEN cancellation only the- GEN early appointment- GEN *Das Programm nur des FRÜHEN Termins The agenda only the-GEN early appointment- GEN

7 The Ambiguity of Deverbal Nominals

8 The Syntax of Nur ‘Only’ in DPs

9 Particle Theory by Büring and Hartmann (2001)
non-arguments max. projections c-command the focus as close as possible

10 Focus Particles don’t adjoin to DPs
*[PP P nur DP ] *[NP N nur DP ]

11 Particle Theory on DP-internal DPs
APs non-arg. CPs

12 Application to New Data

13 Verbal Properties of Event Nominals - Adverbs
Event Nominals may contain adverbs a) His explanation of the accident so thoroughly (did not help him) b) His friendly explanation of the accident so thoroughly (did not help him) c) *His version of the accident so thorouhgly (did not help him)

14 The DP-internal VP by Fu, Roeper and Borer (2001)

15 Verbal Properties of Event Nominals – Focus Particles
*weil Mary den FRÜHEN Termin nur absagt as the- ACC early appointment only cancel Die Absage des FRÜHEN Termins nur the cancellation the- GEN early appointment- GEN only

16 The VP inside the Event Nominal
Programm agenda X

17 Combining the Theories
Particle Theory Focus Particle Placement in Event vs. Result Nominals + DP-internal Verbal Proj.

18 Conclusions: Focus Particles within DPs
Deverbal event nominals and non-deverbal result nominals have different syntactic structures. Focus particles are further evidence that event nominals contain a verbal projection. Büring and Hartmann (2001)’s Particle Theory accounts for focus particle placement within DPs.

19 Thanks a lot!

20 Event Nominal Absage ‘cancellation’

21 Application to New Data

22 The Focus Particle Nur ‘Only’
Peter gab nur MARY ein Buch gave only Mary a book Peter gab Mary nur EIN BUCH gave only a book

23 Büring and Hartmann (2001)’s Particle Theory

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