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DAILY ROUTINES Eat and stay in your seat. Zero voice level.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY ROUTINES Eat and stay in your seat. Zero voice level."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY ROUTINES Eat and stay in your seat. Zero voice level.
Sharpen pencils Place forms, homework, etc. in basket in the front of room Check homework and notebooks. Trash pick up at 7:55 am Take your binders, notebooks, pencils, etc. out of book sacks and place book sacks at the back of the room Bathroom break 8:15 AM Roll call, affirmation, announcements


3 DO NOW: Observation

Wave—the transport of energy without the transport of matter. Frequency– of a wave is the number of waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time Wavelength—the distance between a point on one wave and a similar point on the next wave Amplitude--height of a wave from its resting position (midline) Trough—lowest point on the wave Crest—highest point on the wave

5 Delivery Discuss “WHAT IS A WAVE?” Identify and compare waves. Textbook page 123 “Label the parts of the wave.” “How Sound Travels” Textbook page 120

6 Performance: Expert groups
Group 1: Read “Studying Sound.” Draw and label the picture of the wave on your whiteboard. Answer question 5 on page 121

7 Performance: Expert groups
Group 2: Read “Frequency and Wavelength.” Draw and label the frequency and wavelength of a wave on your whiteboard. Answer question 4 on page 121

8 Performance: Expert groups
Group 3: Read “Pitch.” Draw dolphins on your whiteboard. Answer question 6 on page 122

9 Performance: Expert groups
Group 4: Read “Pitch.” Answer question 7 on page 122 Draw and explain on the whiteboard the experiment that you conducted for question 7.

10 Performance: Expert groups
Group 5: Read “DO THE MATH.” on page 120 Draw and label the graph on your whiteboard. Answer “Do the Math” question 1 and 2 on page 120

11 Transfer GROUPs will take turns Presenting AND educating the class on their projects. 2 minutes per group Students in the audience write answers in their text book

12 Question: What are the Uses of ocean waves?
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13 pERFORMANCE: Experiment
Demonstration of waves Students will have reading and answer questions pertaining the to the reading on “Waves and Currents”


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