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Using State Pooled Funds to Support TRB Conferences

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1 Using State Pooled Funds to Support TRB Conferences
Peggi Knight

2 Transportation Pooled Fund Program
An AASHTO program administered by FHWA Allows interested agencies to partner on studies of mutual interest Sponsored/led by either a State DOT or the FHWA  Contributors/participants may include: State DOTs, FHWA, municipalities, metropolitan planning  organizations, college/university, or a private company  TPF study must be documented in the State’s work  program  May be eligible for up to 100% SPR funding

3 TPF Procedures Manual Found at:
Provides TPF program and project management  guidance ranging from project solicitation to  close out The target audience: Federal and State TPF  project managers and financial managers 

4 TPF Website Highlights
The TPF website includes:  Program news and updates  Place to solicit partners for new studies  Place for committing funds  Database for storing records of solicitations,  commitments, and studies  Place to report progress of ongoing studies

5 Creating a Pooled Fund Project
Develop Draft Project Solicitation Share with local FHWA Solicit input from others on Draft to ensure buy-in and success of the solicitation Seek concurrence from FHWA on final language

6 Creating a Pooled Fund Project
Create Solicitation on the Transportation Pooled Fund website Send notice to others of Solicitation posting Request 100% Federal Funding waiver Develop Work Plan (Scope) and Budget for the project Request Official TPF number after meeting minimum project funding amount

7 Pooled Funds for TRB Conferences
The pooled fund contributions are to support the conference, not just to cover travel funding. Pooled fund technical representatives should have input on conference objectives and outcomes.  Some pooled fund participants need to be on the conference planning committee.   The committee should have other members representing key expertise needed for the conference.  In most cases having all members on the planning committee is not practical. Have mechanisms, such as webinars, for keeping technical representatives updated on conference development.

8 Pooled Funds for TRB Conferences
Provide travel funding for technical representatives to attend the conference. Establish TPF priority outcomes for the conference.  Set meetings at the conference to track those outcomes. Have a post conference pooled fund debrief onsite to prioritize next steps to advance the field. A good budget is a key collaboration tool. Work via both the technical staff and the research staff to promote the pooled fund.  Have FHWA as an active partner.

9 Benefits Allows State DOTs to travel in situations where travel is restricted Allows flexibility for TRB within funding constraints Provides consistency to assure involvement from states Set direction for the conference planning Meetings at conference allow State involvement in setting direction on National level Meeting of pooled fund participants allows for shared experiences

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