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Alcohol Resolution FAQ

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1 Alcohol Resolution FAQ
Sponsor: Science and Math Association

2 Why did you write this resolution?
We feel that students can have fun at events without alcohol. It is possible to have good attendance at events without alcohol. We would like to provide a healthy environment and encourage students to make healthy decisions.

3 What exactly will this resolution do?
The resolution will prevent organizations from serving alcohol at student-centered, campus-wide events. It will not prevent individual organizations from having alcohol at their private events. Resolution: "In support of requiring all student-centered, campus-wide events to be alcohol free" "...alcohol-free environment at all student-centered, campus-wide events, on- or off-campus..."

4 What constitutes a "student-centered, campus-wide" event?
Student-centered: an event that has been organized specifically for students Campus-wide: any public event that is promoted to the entire student body, including both residents and commuters. These events can take place on- or off- campus.

5 What about Big Band, the Student Recognition Banquet, Concerts/performers, and other events for students? These qualify as student-centered, campus wide events. Therefore, they should continue to be alcohol free. Resolution: "Encourages student organizations to take advantage of Student Senate’s sponsorship of student-centered events in order to offer additional and varied opportunities for engaging and meaningful co-curricular activities"

6 What about events for the faculty and staff, ie
What about events for the faculty and staff, ie. board dinners, CSA days, etc...? Although some students may be invited to these events, they are not for the entire student body to attend. Therefore, these events may continue to have alcohol at them.

7 Does this mean that Marian will become a dry campus?
No. The campus, including the housing facilities, will remain damp. This resolution will only impact the student-centered, campus-wide events on campus; therefore, it will not impact residence life.

8 Why are you taking away the right to drink from those 21 and over?
We are not. While drinking is not a right, but instead a privilege, the option to drink is still available for those of age. The only thing this will affect is the events that are for the entire student body. Resolution: "Only 17% of residential students are twenty-one or older." "These actions may encourage of-age attendees to drink and drive as most do not live on campus." "The introduction of alcohol at student-centered events may also make attendance at the events difficult for students who do not wish to drink, including those who have experienced the negative effects of alcohol."

9 How will this affect our private events, including those for alumni?
Private events: events for only one organization and its past and present members An organization can have alcohol at its event as long as it is for their organization's members only. This includes past and present members. Resolution: "Individual organizations may still serve alcohol at their meetings and/or events as long as the events 1) are promoted and available to the specific organization's members only, including alumni, and 2) to the best of the ability of the hosts, follow the university, local, state, and federal laws regarding alcohol consumption, and other alcohol related behaviors."

10 Questions?

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