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Travis St Lawrence Primary School

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1 Travis St Lawrence Primary School
Y5 Parent Welcome Meeting

2 Staff Mr L Heyes Teacher Miss S Hawcroft Teacher Mrs E Day HLTA
Miss Abbott Teaching Assistant

3 School Day School starts at 8:40am and ends at 3:30pm.
Lunchtime is 12.00pm – 1.00pm. Morning and afternoon breaks.

4 School Uniform Boys PE Girls Black/ Grey trousers
Red/White polo shirts Red School Sweatshirts PE Plain shorts Black jogging red t shirts Black bottoms Black/white trainers Girls Black/ Grey trousers, shirts or pinafores Red School Sweatshirts/cardigans Red and white checked summer dresses Plain red t shirts Black shorts Black jogging bottoms

5 Curriculum English and Maths daily.
Collective Worships are Mon-Wed, Prayer and Praise is Thu and Celebration is Fri. Children will continue to learn aspects of French and Music. PE- 2 hours a week (Swimming – Wed PM – Friday AM). Swimming lessons will finish in February and PE return to 2 school sessions.

6 Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Year 5 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 and 2 Summer 2 Topics Earth and Space ‘Cosmic’ Vikings WW2 Wolves of Willoughby Chase The Great Barrier Reef Child in a … Literacy/ Science World Historical World Geographical World Geographical World/ Science world

7 Reading Develop higher-order reading skills such as comprehension, inference and deduction, author’s choice of language and layout of text. Whole-class approach to reading. Love to read sessions.

8 Home-reading Changed independently as needed.
Comprehension questions to understand what they are reading. Children still need to sometimes to read out loud to develop fluency and expression when reading. Please let us know about any concerns. Bring books everyday as we try to listen to children at any spare opportunity.

9 Spellings Teaching of spellings will follow the National Curriculum Spellings and wordlists. Children will investigate rules and patterns. Spelling Zappers – several times a week.

10 Maths Maths homework will cover all areas of Maths.
Homework given out Friday – due in on Tuesday. Children expected to know their times tables to 12x12. Big focus on reasoning and problem-solving skills.

11 English English homework will usually be based on reinforcing a grammatical skill that the children have learned in class. Homework handed out Friday – due in on Tuesdays. Classroom work related to core text and topic.

12 School Trip National Space Centre Friday 6th October 8:00am - 5:45pm
Workshop, time to explore galleries and planetarium show.

13 Parental Support Any support during school lessons; maths workshop, skills workshop, listening to readers or any expertise related to our topics. Parent Forum. Friends of Travis.

14 Website and Blog
Each year group have their own blog so please check them out and comment.

15 Open Door Policy This continues throughout the school.
Notice boards for what we are doing. Any issues please see the class teacher.

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