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The minerals I use everyday!

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1 The minerals I use everyday!
By Ella Pierce

2 Now, lets get to the good stuff!
WHAT IS A MINERAL? A mineral is a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence. What’s the difference in a rock and a mineral? A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure. A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals; where a rock may also include organic remains and small minerals. Now, lets get to the good stuff!

SALT ICE I use salt in almost every food that I eat. And guess what? You probably do too! You use it on chips, popcorn, green beans, grits, and many more! And another fun-fact is… you don’t just eat salt. Road-builders also use rock salt to grit roads when they are paving roads and building them up. Everybody uses ice in their everyday life. You use it in your liquid state, and its solid state. You use it in your water, some people use ice packs to keep their food cold, and others just flat out munch on it! Ice is made by water freezing. So you could just go home and make ice in a few hours!! How easy/cool is that?

fluoride COPPER You also use Fluoride every day! Guess what people make it into? TOOTHPASTE! Cool. Right?! So you’re using a mineral to brush your teeth twice a day and maybe three and you didn’t even know it! When its in mineral form, it’s normally purple, a light pinkish color and blue. We use copper everyday. Whether its paying for lunch at school, or getting paid at home for chores, and even getting water to wash your hands on an everyday basis. Pennies are made out or copper, pipes in a building are made out of copper, and even certain sinks! See? You’re using minerals everyday and you didn’t even know it!

graphite halite We definitely use graphite everyday. Guess what!? It’s in pencils!! It’s also on countertops, lubricants/oils for machinery. So now, when you use a pencil… you can say to people “Guess what? You and I are using a mineral! It’s the graphite in your pencil!” Cool. Isn’t it!? Who in here knows what Halite is? Who here knows what Halite is used for? Well if you don’t, here are some things it is used in/for… food seasoning, food preservation, acids, chlorine, mouthwash, soap manufacture, and SO many more. So obviously, Halite is a very common mineral used in many everyday objects.

mica talc Hey! This one sounds like a name! Have you ever known that you were using mica when you paint? Well if you didn’t, there’s actually a lot of stuff that you use everyday that mica is in. Rubber roofing, paint, electronic insulators, plastics, and more! Wow! What knew that you were using minerals so much!? Talc is a major mineral that is used in an almost everyday routine. Is anyone a gymnast? Well if you are, the powder you use to grip the bars… that’s talc powder! crazy. Right? It’s also used in soapstone and baby powder. Notice that two of the objects its used on are powder… that’s because it’s the softest mineral on the chart! Wow! Mind BLOWN.

QUARTZ SILVER Quartz is something that I’m sure you all have at least HEARD of. It’s in very many pieces of jewelry! And here comes the long list of things that its used in… T.V.s, computers, clocks, watches, radios, paints, glass, heat-ray lamps, prisms, soaps, and more. Wow, that’s a lot isn’t it! Silver is DEFINITELY a mineral that KNOW you know what it is. If you don’t, that’s just sad. It’s used in things like photography, chemistry, jewelry, electronics, mirrors, batteries and more. So many things you have and use! Right? So silver is like gold. You KNOW what it is!!!

8 Thanks for listening!

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