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Marketing service management

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1 Marketing service management
Market demand and forecasting Marketing service management social marketing, social well-being , ethics and society.

2 Aims To investigate the importance of social marketing.
To appraise the relevance of being socially aware and ethically driven, within a marketing context. Aims

3 Social marketing, sustainable business, business ethics, and consumer / societal wellbeing, associated with. Doing business in a social / ethical manner. Valuing customers so they buy again. A cradle to grave approach. Creating happy customer and at the same time doing business in a social manner.

4 Social marketing (SM) Social marketing is the application of marketing, along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioural goals for a social good. Baker, M. (2012). The marketing book. Oxford. Butterworth-Heinemann

5 SM Emphasis upon Social good Wellbeing Good practices
Environmental considerations Social considerations

6 SM * Societal Marketing
. Associated with a concern for society and its stakeholders . Care for the world . Awareness of impacts on society Example - Tourism Concern, don’t let leisure activities damage the environment, Body Shop, Co-operative bank

7 SM Can you think of any organisations that you would define as being societal driven / showing characteristics of good social practices. How do such practices manifest themselves.

8 Sustainable business (SB)
SB & SM are interlinked. All businesses need to become sustainable, both in terms of maintaining :- Consumers / end users. Organisational longevity.

9 SB practices Assessing the Value Chain (M. Porter).
Input process (sourcing renewable materials). Output process (ensuring a steady stream of users). Porter, M. (1985) Competitive advantage: creating and. sustaining superior performance. London. Free Press.

10 Lets build in value

11 ETHICS DEFINED: Rules of conduct that reflect the moral principles and standards of the community.

12 The most important credential we have -- outweighing competence,
product knowledge and the lot is our reputation for integrity, honesty and client service. Wilson, L. ( 1998 ) Changing the game: the new way to sell. London. Free Press.

Use an honest approach. Put your customer’s interest first. Avoid misleading sales claims. Avoid attacking competitors. Avoid misuse of company resources. Practice honesty after the sale.

14 BE Ethics in business (its all about the money)
Apartheid era, UK & US companies investing in South Africa. Selling arms to oppressive regimes. New market for tobacco companies. UK companies using child labour overseas.

15 Business ethics Good business ethics / organisational practices can be used as a marketing tool. Can you think of any organisations that use their positive image / good ethical business practices as a marketing tool.

16 Ethical Issues in Marketing
. Causes people to buy more than they can afford (Festive period) . Overemphasizes materialism (Bling, West side, its all about the money…) . Increases the costs of goods and services (Utility companies) . Perpetuates stereotyping (Holiday brochures) . Offensive advertisements (FCUK) . Use of unfair tactics (APR %)

17 Ethical Issues in Marketing

18 Ethics & social marketing
Ethics and social responsibility in marketing, what it all about ?

19 Examples of socially positive or negative organisational activities
(+) (-) Discrimination Harassment Pollution Misleading communications Deceptive communications Offensive communications Empowerment of employees. Charitable contributions Sponsoring local events Selling environmentally safe products Support community events

20 An advertisement by Wal-Mart highlighting its involvement with the Children’s Miracle Network.

21 Social marketing, ethics and the stakeholder.
A stakeholder in an organization is any group or individual who can affect, or is affected by, the achievement of the organization’s objectives. Edward, F.(1984). Strategic Management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman

22 Stakeholders Miles, S. (2012). Stakeholders: essentially contested or just confused?. Journal of Business Ethics 108 (3): 285–298.

23 Conclusion Good marketing ethics are key to doing good business.
Not only does it create a culture of ethical conformity, it can also facilitate increased business. From an audit perspective, good ethical practices can help reduce costs and facilitate productivity.

24 Related articles Drucker, P. (1981). What is business ethics? The Public Interest Spring(63): 18–36. Jones, C.; Parker, M.; et al. (2005). For Business Ethics: A Critical Text. London: Routledge. O'Neill, J. (1998). The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics. London. Routledge.

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