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Ancient Greece Sparta and Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Sparta and Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Sparta and Athens

2 Buildings in Athens -The Acropolis-hill top gathering place in Athens
The Agora-a market place. Parthenon- building to honor the gods

3 Greek Military Hoplite- Greek infantry soldier.
Infantry formed a phalanx (battle unit)

4 Sparta Sparta had warrior society Social Classes:
-Helots (captured people who became slaves) -Citizens -Non-citizens

5 Spartan Soldier Boys were inspected at birth
-deformed were left to die on mountainsides Boys were sent to the military school at 7

6 Sparta warriors Boys trained from 7-20 Enlisted in the army at 20.
Allowed to marry but had to live with the military. Lived with military till 30.

7 Late life of Spartan Solider
After 30 Spartan males live at home. Allowed to vote In military reserves till 60. After 60 men could run for government council Sparta had an Oligarchy (28 council members, 2 kings)

8 Athens Draco (621B.C.) – created first Greek written laws
Pericles(508 B.C.)- helped establish and lead Athenian democracy

9 Education in Athens Boys went to school to learn to read and write. They also learned many sports. Olympics originated in Athens

10 The Greek Alphabet The Greeks borrowed their alphabet from the Phoenicians. *European languages, including English borrowed ideas from the Greek alphabet.

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