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State of Kuwait Ministry of Education E.L.T General Supervision

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1 State of Kuwait Ministry of Education E.L.T General Supervision
A Refreshment Training Course for E.L.T Teachers Presented by : E.L.T Supervisor Fatma Ameen

2 Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching
The Bag Of Tricks

3 Introduction To quote Nunan:
“It has been realized that there never was and probably never will be a method for all, and the focus in recent years has been on the development of classroom tasks and activities which are consonant with what we know about language acquisition, and which are also in keeping with the dynamics of the classroom itself”. (Nunan 1991: 228)

4 Methods of language teaching include:
1) Grammar-translation approach 2) Direct approach 3) Audio-lingual method 4) Total physical response 5) The natural way 6) Communicative language teaching 7) Integrated approach 8)Eclectic approach

5 Direct Approach This approach was developed initially as a reaction to the grammar-translation approach in an attempt to integrate more use of the target language in instruction. Lessons begin with a dialogue using a modern conversational style in the target language. Material is first presented orally with actions or pictures. The mother tongue is NEVER used. There is no translation. The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions in the target language based on the dialogue.

6 Grammar-Translation Approach
In this method, classes are taught in the students' mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together; instruction focuses on the form and inflection of words. Little attention is paid to the content of texts. Drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.

7 Total Physical Response (TPR)
Total Physical Response (TPR) method as one that combines information and skills through the use of the kinesthetic sensory system. This combination of skills allows the student to assimilate information and skills at a rapid rate. The basic tenets are: Understanding the spoken language before developing the skills of speaking. Imperatives are the main structures to transfer or communicate information. The student is not forced to speak, but is allowed an individual readiness period and allowed to spontaneously begin to speak when the he/she feels comfortable and confident in understanding and producing the utterances.

8 The natural approach This method emphasized development of basic personal communication skills Delay production until speech emerge i.e learners don’t say anything until they are ready to do so Learners should be as relaxed as possible Advocate use of TPR at beginning level Comprehensible input is essential for acquisition to take place. The Natural Approach adopts techniques and activities from different sources but uses them to provide comprehensible input.

9 The Natural Approach L Acquisition Theory Curriculum Learning Process
Combines L Acquisition Theory Curriculum During Learning Process Focused on Spoken Production

10 Communicative language Teaching
The method stresses a means of organizing a language syllabus. The emphasis is on breaking down the global concept of language into units of analysis in terms of communicative situations in which they are used. There is negotiation of meaning. A variety of language skills are involved Material is presented in context It pays attention to registers and styles in terms of situation and participants. Fluency and accuracy (different competencies) Form and functions development of autonomous learners

11 The communicative Approach
Communication Socialization Individualization Focused on Enjoyment

12 - The Four Aspects Of The Communicative Approach :
1- Communication : The Communicative Approach provides opportunities to communicate in authentic situations. 2- Individualization : - Involving pupils in varied class activities to express their reactions/responses. 3- Socialization : Language is used, practised and learned in social contexts. The material is designed to emphasize 4- Enjoyment : - Language teaching should be enjoyable and attractive. This can be achieved through : Recreational Activities like songs , games and stories.

13 Integrated-skill Approach
is an instructional approach in which the teacher's primary goal is to help pupils develop communicative as well as linguistic competence. This primary goal requires the use of normal, real-life communicative language, which in turn presupposes the integration of the four language skills. The desired final outcome is a person who is capable of using language effectively, appropriately and accurately in a variety of settings.

14 Skill integration is the linking of the four main language skills in addition to the subsidiary skills during instruction for the purpose of real communication. The four language skills are taught in a coherent way, and practiced together, with a distinction of the importance of one upon the other. Practice with any given skill strengthens the other skills as well.

15 Summary of The integrated approach
Form & meaning The four main skills Communicative & linguistic competence Fluency & accuracy Sub skills Of the language

16 The Eclectic Approach The eclectic approach is the label given to a teacher's use of techniques and activities from a range of language teaching approaches and methodologies. The teacher decides what methodology or approach to use depending on the aims of the lesson and the learners in the group. It allows language teachers "to absorb the best techniques of all the well-known language-teaching methods into their classrooms procedures, using them for the purposes for which they are most appropriate

17 This is necessary and important because teachers "faced with the daily task of helping students to learn a new language cannot afford the luxury of complete dedication to each new method or approach that comes into vogue.“ The main criticism of the eclecticism is that "it does not offer any guidance on what basis and by what principles aspects of different methods can be selected and combined."

18 “The best methods… are therefore those that supply 'comprehensible input' in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the language, but allow students to produce when they are 'ready', recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production." Stephen Krashen

19 References: Cook, V. website Krashen, S. (1985) The Input Hypothesis. London: Longman Krashen, S. & Terrell, T.D. (1983), The Natural Approach, Pergamon Nunan, David (ed) 2003 Practical English LanguageTeaching McGraw Hill. Nunan, David 1989 Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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