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Free State RTF (Welkom)

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1 Free State RTF (Welkom)
MHSC TRIPARTITE PRINCIPALS PLEDGE ON RECOMMITMENT TO ACHIEVING THE 2014 MILESTONES Free State RTF (Welkom) 07 December 2017 Brian Ncube Programme Manager: Mining Regulations

2 MHSC Mandate MHSC is a national public entity established in terms of the MHSA, No 29 of 1996, Marking 20 years in December 2017. Advise the Minister on all occupational health and safety issues in the mining industry relating to legislation, research and promotion Review and develop legislation (regulations) for recommendation to the Minister Promote health and safety culture in the mining industry Oversee research in relation to health and safety in the mining industry

3 Background In November 2014, the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) held a Mine Health and Safety Summit where Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) milestones for the South African mining industry were agreed upon by tripartite stakeholders. The aim of the Summit was to accelerate the industry’s journey to Zero Harm by ensuring that every mine worker returns from work unharmed every day.

4 Milestones Set in 2014 For Occupational Safety, up to December 2016, there will be 20% reduction in Serious Injuries* per year, from January 2017, 20% reduction in Lost Time Injuries (LTI**) per year and up to December 2016, 20% reduction in Serious Injuries* per year. For Occupational Health, milestones set were that by December 2024, 95% of all exposure measurement results will be below the milestone level for respirable crystalline silica of 0.05 mg/m3, for coal dust respirable particulate of 1.5 mg/m3 (<5% crystalline silica) and for platinum dust respirable particulate of 1.5 mg/m3 (<5% crystalline silica). By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should be at or below the National TB incident rate and 100% of employees should be offered HIV Counselling Treatment (HCT) annually with all eligible employees linked to an ART programme as per the National Strategic Plan (NSP). By December 2020 there will be 100% implementation of the Culture Transformation Framework. The MHSC should implement the Centre of Excellence by April 2017.

5 Signed 17 November 2016

6 Fatalities and Injuries Total fatal accidents** 2016
Fatalities* Injuries* Actual 01/01/ /12/2016 01/01/ /12/2017 % change Total fatal accidents** 2016 Total fatal accidents** 2017 Total 72 82 14 64 66 3 2697 2428 -10 Gold 30 38 27 28 26 -7 1138 920 -19 Coal 4 7 75 182 189 Platinum -4 21 23 10 1075 1058 -1,6 Other 11 -9 302 261 -14 * Provisional figures Region Total fatal accidents % Change Western Cape 2 200 1 100 15 -53 Northern Cape -86 124 94 -24 Free State 12 9 -25 8 -20 257 229 -11 Eastern Cape KwaZulu/Natal 48 -71 Mpumalanga 233 183 Limpopo 6 132 180 36 Gauteng 19 20 5 -26 645 522 Klerksdorp 300 50 241 181 Rustenburg 24 -8 1048 998 -5

7 DECLARED ACTIONS (Progress made)
TRIPARTITE VISIBLE FELT LEADERSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Action: Principals and leaders of all stakeholder groups commits to meeting at least on two facilitated sessions on health and safety matters per annum – A principals engagement meeting on OHS campaign will take on the 8th December 2017. TRUST DEFICIT Action: All stakeholders to address the issue of trust deficit amongst the stakeholders moving from a transactional to a transformative approach on OHS matters - A principals engagement meeting on OHS campaign will take on the 8th December 2017. COMMUNICATION Action: All stakeholders - the MHSC, Organised Labour, State and Employers– commit to improving communication across all levels to ensure that the message of ZERO HARM – The MHSC has developed a programme to popularise the pledge at RTF’s in all the regions.

8 Declared Actions.. Progress…
EMPOWERMENT OF SUPERVISORS AND EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT Action: Stakeholders to collectively and collaboratively empower supervisors, health and safety representatives and employees through extended visible felt leadership and empowering conversations. This will not only be implemented by Employers but also other stakeholders from Organised Labour and State – MHSC is commissioning a project on development of guidelines for Training of Occupational Health and Safety Representative , Union Shop-Stewards ,Supervisors and Employees in the South African Mining Industry (SAMI). Tripartite Stakeholders will also strive to empower Women in Mining on Safety and Security challenges, Personal Protective Equipment and hygiene issues that impact on them – The MHSC has held WIM campaigns and majority of the regions ( NW (Klerksdorp and Rustenburg), LP, MP, FS and KZN (Feb 2018), NC, EC, WS before end of financial year.

9 Declared Actions… Progress..
ANNUAL COMPANY HEALTH AND SAFETY DAYS ACTION: Each mining company commits to hosting an annual health and safety day tailored to their respective needs as part of their overall health and safety campaigns – The MHSC is currently reviewing the OHS awards and MRAC will finalise the work before end of December. There is also plans to host a Ministerial award ceremony.

10 THE JOURNEY TO ZERO HARM (Progress made)
Milestone Area Area Covered Elimination of Occupational Lung Diseases Integration of the Compensation System. Airborne Pollutants Guideline. Reduction and Prevention of TB,HIV and AIDS Revise IPT Policy to include Silicosis. Identification, Selection and Promotion of TB Leading Practice SAMI. Development of the Integrated Policy to Manage HIV/AIDS, TB and Occupational Lung Diseases. Symptomatically Screen all employees for TB. Integrated Policy for the Management of HIV/AID/TB. TB Leading Practice Compendium. Elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss - For The Individual Guidance note for the Implementation of Standard Threshold Shift Guidance in the Medical Surveillance system Practice. Quieting of Equipment Elimination of Fatalities. Improve Safe Barring Practices Risk Based Approach on Enhancing Support Technology Transfer to Minimize seismicity in Pt. Mines Development of methodologies for Determining Maximum Spans (Pt. & Cr. Mines) Designing of feasible Methodology for Selecting Permanent Areal support for underground Mines. Methodologies to aid Escape in Poor Visibility in Underground Mines Develop falls of Ground regulations Review General Accidents Study on Current rehabilitation system in Mining Industry Establishment of COE Business Plan for Center of Excellence (COE). 10

11 THE JOURNEY TO ZERO HARM (Progress made)
Projects Completed Area Covered Implementation of CTF PPE for Women in Mining Guideline. Development of PPE Booklet. Development of Sexual Harassment awareness material. Right to refuse Dangerous Work Guideline. Popularization of CTF Pillars. Development of common approach guideline on adoption of leading practices. Developed Element to address Unfair Discrimination, Racism and Genderism. Guidelines to assist Small Scale Mining to comply with Mine Health and Safety Act. Development of Bonus Incentive Model that incorporate OHS. Leadership and Diversity Assessment tools against Minimum Standards. Data Management Pillar. Milestone Reporting System Central Database for Statutory Equipment 11

12 Summary of OHS initiatives

13 CONCLUSION The milestones were developed collaboratively between the stakeholders agreed upon by our Principals in 2014 Summit Action plan developed currently being implemented (Various initiatives and projects) Adoption of MHSC OHS leading practices from research through collaborative efforts Mining with nets and bolts to deal with fall of ground. Proximity detection systems (PDS) to deal with transportation and mobile machinery. Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) to deal with entry examination and making safe. Unfortunately exposures to occupational hazards and loss of lives remains unacceptable!! 13

14 WAY FORWARD Tripartite Stakeholders are expected to:
Assess interventions currently used and an analysis of what worked and what did not. What can the different stakeholders collectively and individually do in bringing about a step change to improve the industry OHS performance and harness the achievement of Summit milestones and targets? Exploring new ways to address the OHS Challenges. 14

20 Years of Positive Contribution to Zero Harm for mine workers. Pursuing Research Excellence

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